Monday, August 9, 2010

Is Monday Night Raw Becoming Must Watch T.V. Again?

Well the last raw going into Summerslam sure seemed to go off with a BANG. I tend to pay attention to Twitter throughout the show and at one point I did notice Randy Orton was trending topic, the last few weeks WWE superstars have become trending topics on Twitter, which is great news for WWE because it means people are talking about the product.

Yes I hard on the women’s division about every chance I get but, I couldn’t help but praise them tonight. Melina coming back to WWE has to be the best thing for that division. She carried that match. At one point it sounded like the fans were chanting “Fox Can’ Wrestle” they weren’t far off, but Melina carried the match and made it a decent match.

Evan Bourne and The Miz put on a solid match tonight as well. That hurricanrana that Bourne pulled off on the miz was amazing! I really hope they give Bourne a title run with the US Title, I’m sick of The Miz saying “oh I’m the US Champion.” You never defend the belt! Well maybe he does on house shows, but hardly ever on T.V.

Santino and The Bella Twins always are the part of the show where fans and viewers at home can take a break and go to the merch stand or got get food if your at home.

R-Truth and John Morrison put on a nice little T.V. match against Regal and Ryder but was it really meant to be on Raw or Superstars? I think this was more or less to show that R-Truth and John Morrison are on the same page, Morrison’s offense in this match made it a fun match to watch. Morrison has some serious skill.

The main event was done nicely, the live crowd had a TON of heat on The Nexus. I can’t remember the last time a group had this much heat on them. I loved the way they teased us not knowing where Jericho and Edge stood the whole time. The ending was just PERFECT and the live crowd ate it up!

I have to say Raw is not must watch T.V. YET, but it's slowly getting there. I felt the did a nice build towards Summer Slam tonight for their big WWE V.S. The Nexus tag team match. I'm excited to sit down and watch the event come Sunday.

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