Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking UFC 124, TNA, WWE, and Much More!

Well it's the weekend, which means it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Tonight is UFC 124 featuring GSP VS Josh Koscheck, GSP will obviously be the heavy favorite, being from Canada and all. I'm not sure who to go for here. I wouldn't mind GSP knocking Josh out with a kick to the head though :-).

TNA Actually put on a good main event on Thursday with a CLEAN finish! God forbid that ever happen! Mickie V.S. Tara are the only two women who could of pulled off that cage match. Mickie's dive off the top onto Tara was insane and Tara competing with an injury was awesome.

As for the rest of iMpact..........i think that sums it up right?

The more i watch TNA though the more I hope Anderson becomes the world champ. But i just don't want him to join fortune i mean they already have half the roster in fortune.

I'm gunna be REALLY interested to see how TNA pulls off another Motor City Machine Guns V.S Beer Money inc tag match.

We have yet another three hour raw this coming Monday with it being the Slammy Awards. Hopefully this raw will be as good as the other two three hour raws they had.

The RKO on Michael Cole was just AWESOME, I thought the team of Josh Matthews, CM Punk and Jerry Lawler worked VERY well together, Matthews has come a long way!

Tyson Kid has a new body guard....are they trying to recreate HBK and Diesel?

So John Cena is supposed to be "fired" Laycool is supposed to STAY on Smackdown! It makes PERFECT sense that their ALL on Raw right?

The Nexus gave Wade a choice to hire Cena back or get kicked out of The Nexus, my guess is this will lead to the much anticipated match between Cena and Barrett at the TLC ppv.

I really hope WWE keeps the belt on The Miz at least until Wrestlemania, I know a lot of fans don't like The Miz but i for one HATE short title runs. They almost always end up being the forgotten champion, kind of like Jack Swagger.

Speaking of Swagger who was once a World Heavyweight Champion is now going for the Intercontinental Championship....Step backwards if you ask me.

Kudos to Kaval for finishing his match on Smackdown! with an injured ankle, no word yet on his MRI results though. Still put on a hell of a match.

Golddust will be out for 4-6 months, tough break for him. His new book entitled Cross Rhodes is currently on sale at, I've heard it's a pretty good read. I need to pick this one up yet.

Well i think that'll do it for this weeks edition of the weekend wrap up! Don't forget to tune in to Shotgun Radio this week on TUESDAY at 2pm central time only on Blog Talk Radio!

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