Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Snookie Mania? The Cole Mine? Sheamus/Daniel Bryan,Jeff Hardy,TNA and MUCH More

Well it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up!

Snookie guest hosting raw wasn't to bad actually. They didn't over use her which was nice. She is set for a match at Wrestlemania.....Shame just a shame. She will most likely get a rather LARGE payday as well.

Sheamus and Daniel Bryan had a pretty solid match on Raw Monday, hopefully it leads to a re-match at Mania. I could see those two opening the show at Mania, they put on a great match and I think it would be a solid choice to get Mania kicked off in the right way.

Taker VS Hunter sounds like it will be the main event at Mania, which in my opinion it should very well be. Taker's Mania matches have usually always been tough one to follow especially the last two years with HBK.

Rock cut another fun promo on Monday night, was also a GREAT way to open the show. If you guys aren't yet i highly recommend you follow the rock on twitter @therock. He's a funny guy.

Good to see JR back on Raw Monday night, I REALLY hope he calls the show at Mania, In think fans would be pretty excited to see him call Mania, especially Triple H VS Taker match.

Um they have a cole mine now? I'll admit it's GREAT for his character and it works out great to get the heat on him but wow. I know Aria loves him but damn he's just getting to the point where I can fn stand him now. I'm sure we will have much more to say on this during Monday's show.

I'm loving the Sin Cara videos WWE is using to promote him. It sounds like he will end up on the Raw brand as he is being advertised for upcoming Raw events in May. If i had to guess I'd say both him and Awesome Kong will debut sometime after Mania.

TNA this week should of been called TNT (total nonstop talking) That was not a good Raslin show at all they put on on Thursday night.

I read that impact this week featured a grand total of 9 minuets of wrestling on the whole show.....WOW.

The more we learn about Jeff Hardy the more and more I loose faith in him and TNA as a company. Like it or not TNA made a HUGE mistake letting him "compete" at Victory Road.

With that said I think they recovered nicely from the Jeff Hardy saga, I like that they got rid of his belt finally. The new belt looks nice. Hopefully the Hardy saga will teach them that you don't need to make a belt for a specific superstar.

Sting cut a nice promo in the opening segment on Thursday, really did a nice job at holding his own and felt like what he said came from the heart.

The opening was edited weird because of some not smart choice words by Hulk, so when they cut to break and came back AJ and Fortune were all in the ring. It wasn't a horrible edit by any means but you could tell it was edited.

The ending of impact was about the only bright spot of the entire show. AJ made Bully Ray look great. AJ is VERY underutilized in TNA. In my opinion either him or Anderson should be that company's World Champion. If i had to pick between the two I'd say AJ. He is a GREAT talent.

We will have much more to say on these topic Monday at 2pm central time on Shotgun Wrestling Radio on!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

TNA: Doom and Gloom near?

With last night's pay per view main event only lasting 90 seconds and having one offensive move to it, there was legit concern over TNA superstar Jeff Hardy.

Fans left last night's Victory Road ppv extremely pissed off and chanting bullshit on the way out. That is NOT the way you want to send your hometown crowd home. Fans were reporting seeing Sting walk up the ramp pissed off, makes me wonder if he was second guessing himself by resigning with TNA.

Word getting out is that Sting told TNA management that he would NOT wrestle a long match with Jeff Hardy is he was unable to preform, hence the main event being only 90 seconds. This may be a HUGE eye opener for TNA come this weeks taping. How will the crowd respond after getting cheated out of a main event? Will the booing continue at the dead zone? If i were TNA I'd be really worried about these questions,

Yes it is only one match, but remember it was only one match between Goldberg and DDP that fans did not get to see because of the PPV time back in the days of WCW which started the downward spiral of the company.

Jeff Hardy owes Sting, TNA and the TNA fan base a HUGE apology. If this were WWE and Hardy were unab;e to preform he would of been stripped of the title and suspended. TNA needs to think about giving Jeff Hardy his walking papers. In my opinion he is a cancer to TNA. He hasn't done much good for the company and hasn't really had 5 star matches since returning.

I want TNA to be a success as much as the next person but, Jeff Hardy should of NEVER been sent out last night. TNA should of made the main event a triple threat between Anderson , RVD and Sting. That would of been much more entertaining.

We will have MUCH more on this hot topic today on Shotgun Radio on today at 2pm!

TNA Victory Road Preview and Picks!

In just a couple hours TNA will have their Victory Road PPV! Here are our picks.

Chewy's Picks
Sting vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA Title - Can't say I'm excited about this one, I don't see a title changing hands as Sting just got the belt and they have been changing way to often. My pick: Sting

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez in a First Blood match: Matt Morgan has impressed me with his run in TNA. My pick: Morgan

Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson in a No. 1 contenders match: This should be a good match between the two, I really want to see Anderson win this one so my pick goes to: Anderson

Matt Hardy vs. A.J. Styles: I liked the street fight between the two on Thursday and it would of been better without Ric Flair. This one is a tough pick for me, but i'm going with: Aj Styles

Kazarian vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Robbie E in an Ultimate X match for the X Division Title: As always should be a fun high spot type match. I'm taking Kazarian in this one though.

Beer Money vs. Ink Inc. for the TNA Tag Titles- Can Ink Ink live up to the bar that Beer Money and Motor City set? I doubt it, I'm taking: Beer Money

Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer: This match will open the PPV.....Oh joy. I don't care one bit about this match or feud. My pick: Bully Ray

Angelina Love and Winter vs. Sarita and Rosita for the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles: Again just a throw away match for me My pick: Sarita and Rosita

Ziggy's Picks

TNA Championship:
Jeff Hardy vs. (c) Sting
Zigman's Pick: Sting

Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam
Zigman's Pick: Mr. Anderson

Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles
Zigman's Pick: AJ Styles

Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. (c) Kazarian vs. Robbie E
Zigman's Pick: Kazarian

Ink Inc vs. (c) Beer Money
Zigman's Pick: Beer Money

Sarita & Rosita vs. (c) Angelina Love & Winter
Zigman's Pick: Sarita & Rosita

Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer
Zigman's Pick: Bubba

Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan
Zigman's Pick: Matt Morgan

Aria's Picks
TNA Championship
* Sting (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

#1 Contendership for the TNA Championship
* Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

Ultimate X for the TNA X Division Championship
* Kazarian (c) vs. Robbie E vs. Max Buck vs. Jeremy Buck

TNA Tag Team Championships
* Beer Money (c's) vs. Ink Inc

* Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles

First Blood Match
* Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

* Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships
* Angelina Love and Winter (c's) vs. Sarita and Rosita

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking WWE House show, Snookie on raw or The Bachelor? TNA and more!

What's up everyone? Hope your all adjusting to the daylight savings time, hence why i'm a little late this weekend on the weekend wrap up, let's get started.

Snookie is guest hosting raw tomorrow night, I DESPISE the jersey shore, I'm actually considering watching the finale of The bachelor, that's how much i hate jersey shore.

Although I'd love to see Snookie get dropped on her head :-)

After gong to last night's WWE house show i've come to the conclusion that WWE really needs to give their diva's more air time, Layla and Kelly Kelly both really impressed me.

House shows always give more wrestling obviously but I think divas could use more TV time.

Speaking of diva's I wanted to beat the shit out of Michael Cole Monday for interrupting them during their divas match Monday. I know it's part of the storyline but that was just fucking rude, how are the fans supposed to get behind the divas when you have your lame ass announcer distracting them from the match? Come on Man!

It was great seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin back on Raw Monday, and seeing JBL back on Raw to. Even better that Austin gave him two stunners. The beer bath on Cole was PERFECT.

WWE started airing the video for Sin Cara this week, I think the video looks great and can't wait to see him come to WWE.

I'm interested to see where things with Sheamus go, maybe their trying to move him to Smackdwown? I could see that happening and I think it would be a good move for him as well.

Alberto Del Rio WILL be World Champion after Wrestlemania, I don't see any reason why he wouldn't be unless WWE want's to throw us a curve ball.

WWE is advertising The Rock for raw after mania, so it appears he will be around for at least one Raw. Personally I'd love them to start setting up Rock VS Cena for Summerslam. Yes i know thats months away but Rock VS Cena isn't a match for backlash or your "b" ppv.

Impact to me felt like a replay of last weeks show. I understand showing people what happened but they should of done a short 2 min recap video to open the show instead of a bunch of 3-5 minuet clips from last weeks show.

Flair wrestled a match.....and he anyone else surprised? Didn't think so.

Matt Hardy and AJ Styles should be a decent match tonight at Victory Road.

If we see the TNA title change hands I may seriously cry.

Anderson deserves to be No 1 contender over RVD IMO. But unless it's Jeff Hardy TNA for some reason doesn't give a shit.

Ink Ink does not impress me one bit I think Beer Money should handle business tonight.

A knockouts tag team title match tonight......oh joy. Another title i think they should get rid of.

Be sure to join us Monday at 2pm on as we talk more about the TNA victory road ppv and Monday night raw.

WWE Smackdown house show 3-12-11 results live from Cedar Rapids,IA

Event: WWE Smackdown! House show
Date: 3-12-11
Place: US Cellular Center Cedar Rapids,IA

Arena was pretty nicely packed with only the top balcony not being full which is how it usually ends up for house shows.

JTG came to the ring to start things off, but Alberto Del Rio and Big Brodus Clay attacked him before he got to the ring then they continued the beat down in the ring until Edge and Christian made the save setting up the main event for later in the evening.

Opening match: Layla def Kelly Kelly – Very good match surprisingly, WWE really needs to give their divas more time in the ring on raw and smackdown! Both these girls did very well, Kelly Kelly really surprised me.

Shotime Percy Watson def Curt Hawkins – Not to many people seemed interested in this one, a lot of people around me asking who Curt Hawkins was....They obviously don’t watch Superstars. Percy looked pretty good in this match though.

Ankle Lock VS Master Lock challenge match: Jack Swagger def Chris Masters – Masters did a nice job getting the crowd behind him and Swagger did a GREAT job getting heat against him with his opening promo. Swagger won with the Ankel lock.

Tag Team title match: Big Show and Kane def The Coore via DQ, one of the better matches up to this point, the crowd loved Show and Kane.


Chavo Guerrero def Tyler Reekes – Chavo got a nice reaction from the crowd and ended up winning with the frog splash.

Triple Threat match for the IC title – Kofi Kingston def Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes – Kofi was defiantly over with the crowd, got a nice pop and put on a pretty good match between the three.

Edge and Christian def Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay – Edge got a huge pop, the match itself was pretty fun. It was great seeing Edge and Christian as a tag team again.

Biggest Pop
Kofi Kingston
Big Show

Biggest Heat
Alberto Del Rio
The Coore
Jack Swagger
Drew McIintyre

Overall fun show, house shows are usually great and this one wasn’t much different.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Lack of wrestling, TNA on the Road, Road to Wrestlemania, Tough Enough and Much More.

Well it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

If you are a "wrestling" fan there wasn't very much of it this week from either of the brands this week.

Triple H's return promo wasn't anything special IMO, I think this match at mania could very well be his last in WWE as he is in the front office of WWE and will be running things once Vince finally calls it quits.

The Undertaker made his return to Smackdown! was very effective, defending his streak at mania.

I hate to say it but I'm rooting for Hunter come mania. I know Taker will win but I gotta root for Hunter just like i rooted for HBK the last two years.

The Rock cut another GREAT promo on Cena this week. The Rock can STILL put on a GREAT promo. To bad he won't be staying past Wrestlemania, It's been fun having him back in the WWE again.

Nice to see Evan Bourne back on Raw again, it was a very short match but still nice to see him return.

It'll be interesting to see what WWE does with Michael McGuility when he comes back after getting the punt kick to the head from Randy Orton on Monday.

I really enjoyed The Miz's work during the cage match on Monday night, to see him live-tweet during the match was pretty cool.

WWE is bringing Stone Cold Steve Austin to Raw on Monday, Should be huge ratings for them. Most likely he will be there to talk about the new tough enough show which has 14 contestants. I'm really looking forward to this new season, I think Bill Demott, Booker T and Trish will make GREAT trainers on the show.

I enjoyed the new crowd for TNA impact it was nice to see a different crowd and they were pretty pumped the whole show.

To bad for them there wasn't very much wrestling.

I think TNA and Dixie both received a lot of negative reaction to their 3-3-11 promo for ripping off WWE or as some would say "making fun" of WWE as TNA did NOT air the promo throughout the show like WWE did. Probably a wise move on TNA's part.

I can't say I'm thrilled about Sting being TNA champion, I know his reign won't last long. They should of NEVER taken the belt off Anderson in the first place, cause they will soon make Sting drop the belt to Hardy anyway.

It's a shame TNA doesn't take pride in their titles anymore, It's ok for the belt to change hands on free TV once in awhile but why would i bother ordering a PPV when I know your main title won't change hands? I also wish they would give guys a longer title reign, I'm a fan of long title reigns as I feel it makes the belt mean more.

The Wedding angle was easily my least favorite part of impact this past week, just plain boring and I feel like I've seen this wedding destruction before.

TNA scored their highest rating this week, Congrats to them, but the thing is can they keep it? Chances are no. I feel they needs something different. Dixie should of really pushed for Paul Hayman a little bit harder Hogan and Bischoff aren't cutting it for me anymore.

Matt Hardy looks to be getting in better shape which is good for him, to bad he will always be that mid-card wrestler.

Shotgun Wrestling Radio will be on at a different time Monday, we will be on at 12:30pm Central time Monday on We hope you join us!