Sunday, March 13, 2011

TNA: Doom and Gloom near?

With last night's pay per view main event only lasting 90 seconds and having one offensive move to it, there was legit concern over TNA superstar Jeff Hardy.

Fans left last night's Victory Road ppv extremely pissed off and chanting bullshit on the way out. That is NOT the way you want to send your hometown crowd home. Fans were reporting seeing Sting walk up the ramp pissed off, makes me wonder if he was second guessing himself by resigning with TNA.

Word getting out is that Sting told TNA management that he would NOT wrestle a long match with Jeff Hardy is he was unable to preform, hence the main event being only 90 seconds. This may be a HUGE eye opener for TNA come this weeks taping. How will the crowd respond after getting cheated out of a main event? Will the booing continue at the dead zone? If i were TNA I'd be really worried about these questions,

Yes it is only one match, but remember it was only one match between Goldberg and DDP that fans did not get to see because of the PPV time back in the days of WCW which started the downward spiral of the company.

Jeff Hardy owes Sting, TNA and the TNA fan base a HUGE apology. If this were WWE and Hardy were unab;e to preform he would of been stripped of the title and suspended. TNA needs to think about giving Jeff Hardy his walking papers. In my opinion he is a cancer to TNA. He hasn't done much good for the company and hasn't really had 5 star matches since returning.

I want TNA to be a success as much as the next person but, Jeff Hardy should of NEVER been sent out last night. TNA should of made the main event a triple threat between Anderson , RVD and Sting. That would of been much more entertaining.

We will have MUCH more on this hot topic today on Shotgun Radio on today at 2pm!

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