Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Wrestlemania, Hall of Fame, TNA and Much More

What's Up everybody! It's SUPER BOWL Sunday for us Wrestling fans! and that means WRESTLEMANIA!

Yes today is our Super Bowl our World Series our National Championship! Well you get the rest!

Needless to say I'm VERY excited for Wrestlemania. I think this year will be extra special with The Rock hosting and hopefully kicking John Cena's ass in some way.

The match I'm actually most excited for is Sheamus VS Daniel Bryan for the US title. I keep telling people they should tear the house down. They had a pretty good match on Raw a couple weeks ago. I think if they're giving 20-25 min they should be able to pull a GREAT opening match.

What a way to end Monday Night Raw? I mean nothing better then watching The Rock lay the people's elbow, Cena of course added the fuel to the fire with the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. In my opinion this will help even more set up a match between Rock and Cena. Rock has said recently that he is willing to wrestle again.

WWE has taken over Atlanta this weekend and has been ALL over the place. Lots of great interviews out there from all the Superstars. We've posted a lot of them over on the Facebook page, so feel free to go check them out!

Last night was the Hall of Fame and it airs Tomorrow night on USA right before Raw. I expect WWE and USA to show Sunny, Road Warrior Animal and HBK's speaches. It looked like it was a very special night for everyone involved.

Also tomorrow night the new season of Tough Enough Deubts! I for one am extremely excited to see how they produced and edited the new season, hopefully it has some elements from the first three seasons of the show. I like that Bill Demott is the head trainer for the show, he was a good trainer in the third season of the show.

Rock has been promoting all week that he will get more physical tonight and I think it begins with John Cena. As long as we see Rock give the Rock Bottom to Cena, I'll be happy.

WWE isn't making that big of a deal out of Stone Cold being a guest ref, personally they need to do a better job at that. Having Rock and Austin on the show is HUGE.

Michel Cole is annoying as fuck now days, at first I could handle him but now they've got so over the top with his character it's down right annoying. I hope The King beats the living snot out of him tonight.

TNA impact this week had a lot of Anderson/Sting, which is fine but I think there was too much this week.

Still not enough wrestling on impact for my liking.

Why are the Buck brothers wrestling each other? I don't get it.

Whats with Angelina Love being drugged up by Winter? it's just weird.

Christopher Daniels made his surprise return to impact. Most likely he'll be taking AJ Style's place while AJ is out of action. Hot ending for impact with him jumping off the top of the steel cage.

ROH crowned new tag team champions on their i-PPV this past weekend, Congrats to Hass and Benjamin on winning the ROH tag team titles.

ROH in my opinion is the BEST pure wrestling company out of all the company's right now. TNA use to have that title, but then came Hogan and Bischoff.

I hope you all enjoy Wrestlemania tonight, i will be giving live facebook updates on our Facebook page tonight. Be sure to join me!

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