Well last nights Raw WWE continued the NXT invasion angle. There was no other way to start out the show then with that. The NXT guys came out and all demanded contracts and proceeded to say if they didn't get them there will be even more hell to pay. The NXT guys generated a lot of heat from the crowd, WWE seemed to make them look weak being chased out of the ring by guys like Regal and Santino, of course this was not going to be the end of the NXT guys for the night.
Also who else noticed Bret's "WWF" fuck up? LOL gotta love live TV even my wife who use to watch wrestling picked that up right away lol.
One thing i didn't really care for is Michael Cole,King, and everyone around ringside running away like wimps whenever they came out. Cena came out and cut one hell of a promo in my opinion. Again this was another boring raw for the most part up untill the last 15 minuets, i love the feeling of not knowing where the NXT guys are or what there going to do next. Bret had the whole locker room come out and stand up on the ramp way during the main event, but he decided to go back? Also did anyone notice they never really wrote Triple H off TV? He just kind of left to film a movie.
10 minutes left in the show and the NXT guys strike again shoving Hart into a limo and ramping it back and forth into cars in the parking lot demanding contract, the whole locker room stood at the ramp way and watched....why? I guess WWE was trying to give the impression that ramming a limo into cars will give the guy massive whiplash? Either way i enjoyed the way the show ended rather then how it started, you couldn't see who was driving the limo and a lot of people will argue that Danielson was driving but i doubt it. Eventually i see this going into November if their smart and have raw locker room V.S. NXT rookies in an elimination match but there's only so much WWE can do with these guys this summer and i dont think there that creative to keep this angle going untill then and we may see it end come summerslam?
What did you guys think of the angle?
Also we'll be back with another show this week on Friday at 12:30pm, i had internet troubles on Monday and kept cutting out so me and the Zigman will be back Friday to talk more about this Angle.
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