Saturday, June 12, 2010

NXT Angle/Daniel Bryan "firing" Where does it go?

Welcome ladies and gents to the brand new Shotgun Radio Blog!!!

Well this week has been an interesting one in professional wrestling, that's for sure. Monday night's Raw was probably one of the most boring 2hrs and 55 minuets to watch. Then at the very end of the show WWE proves they can still pull out a legit wrestling angle! The NXT rookies from season 1 came down and beat down Cena and everyone else around ringside with the exception of Michael Cole. At one point Daniel Bryan chocked out ring announcer Justin Roberts, apparently WWE thought that was too far and decided to let Bryan Go.....The question now becomes is this whole thing a work or is it real? If it's real WWE just lost the BEST technical wrestler they have had since Chris Benoit (in my opnion) and they might as well let their programming go to a G rating instead of PG.

This has internet fans buzzing! If this is a work WWE is proving they still know what their doing and if all adds up it could lead to a big invasion at Survivor Series in November. I really want to believe this is a work otherwise why hasn't WWE gone and fired other NXT guys who went to the same extreme? The other guys kicked the sh*t out of John Cena and all of them looked strong! But you could say what they did was too violent..Also i'm under the impression that NXT guys do not exactly have contracts per say, but if you count their developmental deals as contracts then yes. Needless to say I can't remember being this excited about a WWE angle in a LONG time. So kudos to them, as long as they don't screw it up.

On to TNA's impact on thursday, I felt it was a very solid show from start to finish. It of course was their go home show to their big Slammiversary PPV tommorw. My favorite part of the night was Kurt Angle V.S. Amazing Red, this match was by far one of the best impact matches i have seen in a very long time! Angle looked amazing, it seems time off did him some good, he also did a great job for Amazing Red and made him look really good.

Anyone catch Jay Lethal's promo at the beginning of the show? His Ric Flair impression was spot on! I thought that was done VERY well. Interesting to see where TNA is going with Matt Morgan, looks like he will feud with Hernandez seeing as Hernanderz came out and pretty much kicked the crap out of Morgan allowing Eric Young to pin Morgan while he was on a stretcher and re-tain the TNA Tag Titles for "The Band"

The main event was an 8 man tag match featuring A.J. Styles, Desmonde Wolfe, and Beer Money Inc V.S. Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Abyss, and Jay Lethal. All i can say about this match is I can't remember ever seeing that many finishes done in one match! It was good quick pace match and a good main event and it was a main event that actually had some time to work with!

As for the big PPV Dixie Carter has been promising something that will change the face of TNA...If Jim Ross did not re-sign with WWE then one would assume that he would be the big surprise. One name getting thrown around is Paul Hayman, now this would be a HUGE help for TNA but I would not considering it shocking..One name i brought up to Zigman was Shane McMahon yes I know he is working for his mom now but it's a thought to hang out there... From what I've been reading most fans are expecting to be let down with this surprise. I guess we'll see come Sunday.

I'll have more to say about Impact! on Monday during our show.

On to Smackdown! Now i'll admit i haven't watched all of it yet, but is it just me or are they making Kane looking like a monster?! This is some of the BEST promo work I've seen Kane do and to have him come out and beat the crap out of people during their matches is truly making him look like a monster. I would LOVE for the to bring back Paul Bearer and manage Kane to help find out who put The Undertaker out of action. Could this be a push for Kane to get a World Title run?

We'll have much more to say on Monday's show on Shotgun Radio!

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