Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Total Nonstop Bischoff, Taped Raw, Old School Raw, Remembering Eddie,plus much more.

What's up everyone it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Watching impact this week REALLY felt like WCW, I mean you had the nice big long 15 minuet opening segment featuring Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan...NWO much?

The new TNA title is the worst thing I've EVER seen....I don't buy Jeff Hardy heel turn, mainly cause he's not the best on the mic, never has been never will be.

I'm sick of seeing Eric Bischoff on TNA so much, get rid of him and Hulk and use guys like A.J and Motor City, and Beer Money to lead your company.

Early this week i dd a "Dear Dixie When will enough be enough" Blog, and I stand by that blog even more so now with what i saw on impact this week.

Matt Morgan VS Jeff Hardy again? GREAT...Will Bischoff's son be the ref again and reveal himself as Eric's son?

WWE is doing an "Old School" Raw on Monday, some of the things i want to see are.

Vince and Jessie the body on Commentary.

Or Vince and Macho Man.

The old R A W set.

Sean Mooney.

Mike Adamle (Yes I'm joking about that part)

These are just some of the things I'm hoping to see.

Raw this past week was in the UK and was taped delayed in the US....Does anyone else hate Taped Raws as much as I do?

For some reason I've never been a fan of taped shows.

Survivor Series is a week away, this is one of my favorite PPV's every year. Hopefully they add Daniel Bryan to the card this week.

Sad we won't see an actual Survivor Series elimination match though.

I'm hopin Barret wins the title at Survivor Seires, I'd like to see him get a nice title run, but my guess is it'll be a short run.

Kane V.S. Big Show on SD last night.....YAWN!

TNA Re-signed Eric Young, I guess were still getting the comedy tag team.....

5 years ago today we lost one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, I was never a huge Eddie fan, but he always made me laugh at some of the stuff he did in the ring and the way he'd win matches. I may not have been a huge fan but I damn sure respected what he brought to the table, I wish when I was growing up there were more smaller guys like him and Rey getting pushes, maybe i would have tried to become a wrestler. One of the coolest Eddie moments was him and Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania 20 rejoicing with each other after Chris won his World Title. With that said RIP Eddie You will always be missed but NEVER forgotten.

Speaking of WWE chmpionships our friend Kevin Sullivan's new book is coming out just around the corner now on Nov 23rd! He recently posted on his blog an outtake of his interview with The Big Show, you can check it out by following him on twitter @SullivanBooks, also pre-order the book here.

Coming up Monday on Shotgun Radio, Ziggy and I preview Survivor Series as well as the Old School Raw. Were also talking about Turning Point and our thoughts on Total Nonstop Bischoff er TNA. Be sure to join us on Blog Talk Radio Monday at 2pm central time!

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