Sunday, November 21, 2010

WWE Survivor Series Picks!

Randy Orton VS Wade Barrett For the WWE Championship Win or Your Fired for John Cena - My pick here goes for Barrett....But don't be surprised if Cena takes him out and Miz goes to Cash in the Money In The Bank.

Kane V.S. Edge For the World Heavyweight Title - I'm taking Kane and his title reign will continue.

Daniel Bryan V.S. Ted Dibiase for the United States Title- This should open the PPV to get the crowd into it..My pick is Bryan.

Team Mysterio V.S. Team Del Rio - Team Mysterio.

Dolph Ziggler VS Kaval For the I.C Title- I could also see this one opening the PPV. My pick here is Kaval.

The Nexus V.S. Santino and Kosolv - Easy pick here The Nexus retain their titles.
Laycool V.S. Natalya for the Divas championship - My pick is Natalya.

Ziggy's Picks

-Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship with John Cena as special referee.
Wade Barrett
-Kane vs. Edge for the World Hvt. Championship.
-Rey Mysterio, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Big Show, and Chris Masters vs. Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, and Tyler Reks.
Team del Rio
-Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov for the WWE Tag Titles.
Gabriel n slater
-Michelle McCool and Layla vs. Natalya in a handicap match for the Divas Championship.
-Dolph Ziggler vs. Kaval for the Intercontinental Title.
-Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase for the U.S. Title.
Daniel Bryan
-John Morrison vs. Sheamus. Sheamus

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