Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking The Corre, The Nexus, Royal Rumble, TNA, "They" and MUCH more.

What's up everybody? It's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

The Royal Rumble is just a couple weeks away and it's shaping up to be decent.

Each week it seems my pick for the Rumble winner changes, this week i just could see Morrison going out on top.

I would expect to see a showdown between CM Punk's Nexus and Wade Barrett's The Corre during the Rumble to possibly set up for a match at Elimination Chamber.

I like the feel so far of the Corre group it doesn't seem that there is one leader and they all do their part. It is nice to see WWE going back to having Factions though. I think you often times need factions to help spice things up a bit.

Not very many matches announced for the rumble, but they're doing a nice job hyping up the 40 man Royal Rumble match.

I think Edge will go out on top of his match but I also wouldn't be surprised to see Ziggler win his first title as well.

I do see The Miz going over Randy Orton again and walking into Wrestlemania as champion.

Anybody else catch Superstars this week? Anybody? Anybody? haha didn't think so, Apparently David Hart Smith and Darren Young are a new tag team now. Should be interesting to see if we ever get to see them on Raw at some point.

Speaking of Superstars Gail Kim and Alicia put on a REALLY decent women's match on LAST week's episode of superstars, if you haven't checked it out you should go watch it.

Superstars is more or less Sunday night heat but only on Thursdays.

TNA was still hyping "they" again this past week, I'm so sick of they "they" storyline I don't know why they felt the need to go back to it. I'm not getting my hopes up on who "they" are mainly cause last time it was an utter disappointment

TNA caught yet another break in the Jeff Hardy case as his sentence was delayed until later next month.

Regardless I see Anderson keeping the belt on Feb 3rd, until TNA finds out what Hardy's sentence will be. Either way I'm just not a fan of Hardy as champion.

I'm not sure what to think of the Jeff Jarret/Karren Jarrett/Kurt Angle Storyline.

I think Angle and Jeff will be able to have a hell of a match with each other, Angle looks to be in GREAT shape right now and Angle brings the best out of people he's in the ring with.

10-1 chance that TNA produces their Feb 3rd iMpact better then their next Pay Per View.....Right now there doing more hype for that then there next pay per view. I just have this feeling that's what TNA is gunna do......

If you haven't yet please check the Shotgun Wrestling Radio facebook page for the announcement on where we will be moving our show to.

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