Saturday, July 10, 2010

TNA Victory Road Predictions!

TNA Victory Road is tommorw and here are our picks.

Douglas Williams V.S. Brian Kendrick for the X-Division title- My pick is going with Kendrick on this one. He is long overdue for a push.

The Motor City Machine Guns V.S. Beer Money Inc- I'm really pulling for the Motor City Machine Guns on this match to win the tag titles but i don't see the feud ending anytime soon.

Matt Morgan V.S. Hernandez - This match really means nothing to me this feud has gone on a lil to long and TNA dropped the ball on this one. Anyway my pick goes to Morgan.

Ric Flair V.S. Jay Lethal - TNA should of really hyped up Flair's in ring return more..I mean he's still Ric fn Flair! I think they'd get more buys if they hyped his return more. I'm going with Lethal on this one, to help push him.

Madision Rayne V.S. Angeelina Love in a title V.S. career match - I dont see this going either way, i'm going with a quick no contest in this one.

Brother Devon V.S. Brother Ray V.S. Jesse Neal - What is the point of this one?! (sorry i haven't been paying much attention to TNA and when i do i fast forward this feud) I see this one going to Neal.

A.J Stles & Kazarian V.S. TBA - Well this one is a bit tough opne since we don't know the opponents. I'm going with A.J. and Kaz here so they join the Fortune.

Rob Van Dam V.S. Mr.Anderson V.S. Jeff Hardy V.S. Abyss- I see this going two ways here one way i see them going with RVD and continue on with his title reign and the other I could see going to Abyss.. The Abyss angle i see has a 20% chance of going down. I have a feeling they'll have Hogan come out and cost Abyss the match in someway and RVD retaining his title.

Here's Ziggy's picks
-Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship:
I'm really hoping that Mr. Anderson walks away from this one as champion but I could see Dreamer, Raven, Richards, and Rhino having something to do with this one which of course you think that would help Abyss and
I know when RVD won belt from AJ Styles there was talk of him keeping world title until Bound For Glory. So i will have to pick RVD in this one.....
Zigman's Pick: Rob Van Dam

-Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal: The Flair/Lethal promo on Thursday Impact was really done well and made me want to see this match more....I'm going to have to go out on limb here and
say Jay Lethal picks up victory in this one...
Zigman's Pick: Jay Lethal

-The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money for the vacant TNA Tag Team Championships: I cant wait for this one....2 of best tag teams in pro wrestling today!..... Im thinking that Motor City will finally win TNA Tag Team Titles ......
Zigman's Pick: MCMG

-Kurt Angle vs. D'Angelo Dinero: This should be good match but I dont really think Pope needs to be losing matches right now and you know that Angle going win because he said that he will retire if he loses.
Zigman's Pick: Kurt Angle

-Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love in a Knockouts Championship vs. Career match:
I don't understand why Angelina would agree to put her career on the line since she already had title match......then they add in if Lacey Von Erich or Velvet Sky interfered in the match,
Madison would be disqualified and Angelina would become the new champion...WoW way to much Bull Shit to go with match.....I'm guessing that Angelina Love wins after Velvet Sky run in during match......
Zigman's Pick: Angelina Love

-Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez in a steel cage match: I really hope this is ending to this Feud......I would think that it would be time for Hernandez to get win......
Zigman's Pick: Hernandez

-Douglas Williams vs. Kendrick in an Ultimate X match for the TNA X Division Championship: I am really hoping Kendrick gets X title but I can also see Williams retaining belt also....
Zigman's Pick: Douglas Williams

-Kazarian and A.J. Styles vs. two mystery opponents: I've heard lots of names being tossed around as who there opponents are going to be........(Christopher Daniels, Matt Bentley, Shane Helms) I think Mystery Team will pick up Victory here and Styles vs KAz will
happen at next months Hard Justice PPV......
Zigman's Pick: Mystery Team

-Brother Devon vs. Jesse Neal vs. Brother Ray: I don't really care about this one......but i see Bubba and Devon get on the same page.....
Zigman's Pick: Bubba Ray

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