Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 The Year in Review

Well the year has come and gone in the world of professional wrestling, today on Shotgun Radio we did our year in review show but I thought I'd also do a blog to follow up the show.

Shawn Michaels retires following his Wrestlemania loss to The Undertaker - This was very emotional for anyone who is a HBK fan, I've followed him most of his career while he was in WWE, his farewell speech the next night on Raw was enough to make anyone who was a fan of his cry.

TNA Signs Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff - While this may have been a good idea at first I'm sure, but now I, Like many TNA fans have got to be wondering if this really is a good idea in the long run.

TNA attempts to go to Monday Nights - Well it seemed like a good idea, but really I think each wrestling fan knew it wasn't going to last long. There is no way in hell TNA would of lasted on Monday Night's once Football season came around.

Randy Orton gives a RKO to Evan Bourne in mid-air - This moment I forgot to talk about on the show, but damn this was a hell of a GREAT moment and completely out of no where.

The Nexus debuts and wrecks havoc on WWE & John Cena - This started out to be GREAT i loved how they just raised hell right off the bat and tore the ring apart and destroyed Cena.....Sadly this didn't pan out to what it could be.

Beer Money Inc VS Motor City Machine Guns - Just GREAT Tag Team Wrestling, some of the BEST I've seen in YEARS!

Diva's/Knockouts Go Extreme - Tara and Mickie James kicked this off with a great Steal Cage match on iMpact only for WWE to respond with a Divas table match which also for WWE standards wasn't that bad.

Daniel Bryan V.S Dolph Ziggler - Not very often do you hear "This is Awesome" chants on WWE programming, but when Bryan is on a PPV he is spot on the BEST pure wrestler WWE has right now.

EV2/ECW returns to TNA - This was alright, but I felt it went on a little to long. The one night stand was fine and all but really how many more final moments do these guys need?

WWE Goes OLD School - This was by far one of my personal favorite moments. It was a lot of fun to see WWE try something different and go back to the old school set and the logo for one night very cool. I'd like to see this be turned into a anual event.

Bret Hart returns to the WWE - What more can be said about this moment? I honestly NEVER thought I'd see this happen.

Bret Hart Burys the hatchet with Shawn Michaels - Another one of those moments I thought we'd NEVER see, but at the same time was super cool to see and gave me chills watching it.

RVD wins the TNA World Heavyweight title on iMpact - This was a cool moment for TNA, one of the few good moments for TNA for 2011, This really should of happened on a PPV though.

The Miz cashes in the money in the bank and wins the WWE title - Possibly my most favorite moment of the year.

Wade Barrette pins Cena forcing him to join Nexus - This was a cool moment I thought, it reminded me a lot of Hogan loosing his title to The Undertaker at Survivor Series 91 with all the kids faces. I felt WWE did drop the ball here and Cena will never become a heel.

Ric Flair VS Mick Foley falls count anywhere match - Believe it or not this is a match that stands out to me, I felt Flair did a nice job in this match and both men put a heck of a show.

Michael Cole turns Heel - This I thought added some good heat to the announce team and Michael Cole does a good job playing the heel.

Well that does it for my year in review. Do you have anything that stands out? We'd like to hear from you, Comment below or comment on our Facebook.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Tonight is WWE's TLC Pay Per View and here are our picks.

Chewy's Pick's
Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio in a TLC match for the World Hvt. Championship - I'm taking Edge, he is the only one I think healthy enough right now to carry it, and Del Rio's time has not come yet.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett in a chairs match - I'd like to say Wade Barrett but we know that won't happen, I'm taking Cena.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger in a Triple Threat ladder match for the Intercontinental Title - I'd like Swagger to win here.

John Morrison vs. Sheamus in a ladder match to become No. 1 contender to the WWE Championship - I'm taking Morrison, I could see Hunter coming back here and costing Sheamus to finish their feud.

Natalya and Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool and Layla in a tag team tables match - Taking Natalya and Beth here.

The Miz VS Randy Orton for the WWE Championship - From what I've been reading I think The Miz is in for a long title reign, especially with Randy still kind of recovering from injury, I could see Miz retain here.

Ziggy's Picks
WWE Champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton (Tables Match)
Zigman's Pick: Miz
World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio (Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match)
Zigman's Pick: Edge
John Cena vs. Wade Barrett (Chairs Match)
Zigman's Pick: John Cena
Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger (Triple Threat Ladder Match)
Zigman's Pick: Dolph Ziggler
John Morrison vs. Sheamus (Ladder Match)
Zigman's Pick: John Morrison
Divas Champion Natalya & Beth Phoenix vs. Team Lay-Cool (Divas Tag Team Tables Match)
Zigman's Pick: Natalya & Beth Phoenix

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking The Miz, The Slammys, David Arquette, TNA and Much More

What's up everyone? I decided to post this a little bit earlier then normal as i will be out of town Saturday. So here we go with the Weekend Wrap Up!

WWE failed at their attempt at the Slammy Awards, the show was just not very good.

A Diva's battle royal to determine the Diva of the year?! How bout WWE just says alright Diva's wrestling sucks were getting rid of it all together....Might as well not torture us fans any longer with that crap.

Every time David Arquette was announced as a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion i cringed.

When is Eric Bischoff going to bring him to TNA and destroy TNA the way they did WCW?

The Miz appeared on Jimmy Fallon the other night and did a GREAT job, he seems genuinely thrilled to be WWE champ and it still seems surreal for him.

Watching grow up on Real World and to mold into his own made character has been a fun ride for me, which i guess is why i'm such a miz fan.

NXT Season 4 is so far better then last season, hopefully keep Michael Cole off it. Only thing is I wish Tyler Black aka Seth Rollins made the cut. Hopefully next season.

Dixie Carter announced they have resigned Soma Joe, please for the love of GOD USE HIM!!!

The more I think about it the more I see RVD is just another guy now, which is sad to see.

I'd like to see Anderson win the belt from Hardy but what happens after he looses it, does he become just abother guy? That's what frustrates me about TNA.

I see guys like AJ and Anderson and Joe could be the top guys in the company, Morgan not so much, and Hardy is a mental case who should never cut a promo again.

Anyone else notice how all of Jeff Jarrett's crowd opponents aka plants are ALWAYS decked out in TNA gear? Cause the average fan wears the TNA shirts to each taping I'm sure.

TNA is putting together a best of Mick Foley DVD....TWO matches? The one against Sting and the one against Flair from impact? Our good friend Kevin Sullivan made a good point on this "TNA is putting together a best of DVD for Mick Foley, that's like the Washington Wizards putting together a best of DVD for Michael Jordan." Couldn't of said it better myself.

HBK signed a new deal with WWE, it'll be interesting to see what type of deal it is, but I'm glad he did.

TLC is shaping up to be a good card, i'll be interested to see how the divas pull off the tables match.

We will have out TLC picks on the blog tomorrow so be sure to check back for those!

That'll do it for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking UFC 124, TNA, WWE, and Much More!

Well it's the weekend, which means it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Tonight is UFC 124 featuring GSP VS Josh Koscheck, GSP will obviously be the heavy favorite, being from Canada and all. I'm not sure who to go for here. I wouldn't mind GSP knocking Josh out with a kick to the head though :-).

TNA Actually put on a good main event on Thursday with a CLEAN finish! God forbid that ever happen! Mickie V.S. Tara are the only two women who could of pulled off that cage match. Mickie's dive off the top onto Tara was insane and Tara competing with an injury was awesome.

As for the rest of iMpact..........i think that sums it up right?

The more i watch TNA though the more I hope Anderson becomes the world champ. But i just don't want him to join fortune i mean they already have half the roster in fortune.

I'm gunna be REALLY interested to see how TNA pulls off another Motor City Machine Guns V.S Beer Money inc tag match.

We have yet another three hour raw this coming Monday with it being the Slammy Awards. Hopefully this raw will be as good as the other two three hour raws they had.

The RKO on Michael Cole was just AWESOME, I thought the team of Josh Matthews, CM Punk and Jerry Lawler worked VERY well together, Matthews has come a long way!

Tyson Kid has a new body guard....are they trying to recreate HBK and Diesel?

So John Cena is supposed to be "fired" Laycool is supposed to STAY on Smackdown! It makes PERFECT sense that their ALL on Raw right?

The Nexus gave Wade a choice to hire Cena back or get kicked out of The Nexus, my guess is this will lead to the much anticipated match between Cena and Barrett at the TLC ppv.

I really hope WWE keeps the belt on The Miz at least until Wrestlemania, I know a lot of fans don't like The Miz but i for one HATE short title runs. They almost always end up being the forgotten champion, kind of like Jack Swagger.

Speaking of Swagger who was once a World Heavyweight Champion is now going for the Intercontinental Championship....Step backwards if you ask me.

Kudos to Kaval for finishing his match on Smackdown! with an injured ankle, no word yet on his MRI results though. Still put on a hell of a match.

Golddust will be out for 4-6 months, tough break for him. His new book entitled Cross Rhodes is currently on sale at, I've heard it's a pretty good read. I need to pick this one up yet.

Well i think that'll do it for this weeks edition of the weekend wrap up! Don't forget to tune in to Shotgun Radio this week on TUESDAY at 2pm central time only on Blog Talk Radio!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

TNA Final Resolution Picks

Yet another TNA PPV is apon us here are our Picks
Chewy's Picks

Jeff Hardy V.S Matt Morgan for the TNA World title: This should sell the PPV...Yes i'm Joking....Hardy retains the belt here.

Motor City Machine Guns V.S. Generation Me in a full Metal Mayhem Match for the TNA Tag Titls: Motor City picks up the win

Jeff Jarrett V.S Soma Joe in a Submission match - Joe should pick up the win year, if Jarrett wins I may cry.

The Pope V.S. Abyss in a Casket Match- I smell BORING here, Abyss get's the win.

RVD V.S. Rhino in a first Blood Match- RVD picks up the W here.

Tara V.S. Mickie James in a falls count anywhere match - Should be a decent match i think, I'm taking Tara in this one.

A.J. Styles VS Douglas Williams for the TNA T.V. Championship - AJ wins in this win.

Robbie E V.S. Jay Lethal for the TNA X-Division Championship - As much as it pains me Robbie E.

Ziggy's Picks

Falls Count Anywhere Match:
Tara vs. Mickie James
Ziggy: Mickie James

Submission Match:
Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Jarrett
Ziggy: Samoa Joe

Casket Match:
Abyss vs. The Pope
Ziggy: Abyss

First Blood Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino
Ziggy: RVD

#1 Contender's Match:
Beer Money vs. Ink Inc.
Ziggy: Beer Money

TNA X-Division Title Match:
Robbie E. (c) vs. Jay Lethal (Cookie In A Cage Suspended Above The Ring)
Ziggy: Jay Lethal

TV Title Match:
AJ Styles (c) vs. Douglas Williams
Ziggy: AJ Styles

Full Metal Mayhem Tag Team Title Match:
The Motor City Machineguns (c) vs. Generation Me
Ziggy: MCMG

TNA World Title Match:
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Matt Morgan (Mr. Anderson Is Special Referee)
Ziggy: Jeff Hardy

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Total Nonstop MMA, Netflix, The Era of AWESOMNESS, 3 Hour Raws and Much More!

What's up everyone?! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and wonderful thanksgiving holiday, Time to get back to normal with another edition of the Weekend Wrap Up.

Anyone else have Netflix? Man that shit is AWESOME, I recently started watching the show Bones because of it, damn good stuff.

Ultimate Fighter Finale tonight, Kind of disappointed Bruce Lee Roy isn't in it, I liked that kid, but I think Michael Johnson will come home with the crown.

The era of Awesomeness has officially begun! No one could be more excited for this then me! As much as it makes Ziggy want to puke.

I was pretty surprised to see Miz cash in on Raw, but with Orton suffering from an apparent injury it seems like the right time to have a title change to give the viper killer time off.

Raw this past week was VERY solid, i enjoyed the show from top to bottom, throwing King in the main event was a nice twist.

I'm interested to see where Michael Cole/Jerry Lawler feud goes.

So is Jeff Jarrett an MMA junkie now?! WTF i turn on TNA and Jarrett is doing MMA,TNA trying to turn Abyss into The Undertaker doing "Coffin matches", Is Dixie another "Authority figure" now? How many do they need....I'm lost.....

MVP was released on Friday before his last match aired...Kind of bitter sweet to see him have a match after they released him....Damn tapings lol.

Honestly though MVP was the right guy to release, and I'm glad WWE did, but for the love of god I don't want him in TNA their roster is already way to big.

WWE is set to have ANOTHER 3 hour Raw here in two weeks....Just like the 2 Pay Per Views per month the 3 hour Raw's are starting to become an overkill! Thankfully the last two three hour Raw's WWE has done have been very good, hopefully they keep it up with the Slammy Awards.

Been reading some good reviews about the WWE Championship book written by our good friend @SullivanBooks, Hoping to get mine for Christmas . If you wanna get the book click here.

Be sure to check back tomorrow for our Final Resolution picks, Jeff Hardy V.S. Matt Morgan AGAIN!! HELL YEA..............Ok I'm kidding....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

WWE Survivor Series Picks!

Randy Orton VS Wade Barrett For the WWE Championship Win or Your Fired for John Cena - My pick here goes for Barrett....But don't be surprised if Cena takes him out and Miz goes to Cash in the Money In The Bank.

Kane V.S. Edge For the World Heavyweight Title - I'm taking Kane and his title reign will continue.

Daniel Bryan V.S. Ted Dibiase for the United States Title- This should open the PPV to get the crowd into it..My pick is Bryan.

Team Mysterio V.S. Team Del Rio - Team Mysterio.

Dolph Ziggler VS Kaval For the I.C Title- I could also see this one opening the PPV. My pick here is Kaval.

The Nexus V.S. Santino and Kosolv - Easy pick here The Nexus retain their titles.
Laycool V.S. Natalya for the Divas championship - My pick is Natalya.

Ziggy's Picks

-Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett for the WWE Championship with John Cena as special referee.
Wade Barrett
-Kane vs. Edge for the World Hvt. Championship.
-Rey Mysterio, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Big Show, and Chris Masters vs. Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, and Tyler Reks.
Team del Rio
-Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater vs. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov for the WWE Tag Titles.
Gabriel n slater
-Michelle McCool and Layla vs. Natalya in a handicap match for the Divas Championship.
-Dolph Ziggler vs. Kaval for the Intercontinental Title.
-Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase for the U.S. Title.
Daniel Bryan
-John Morrison vs. Sheamus. Sheamus

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking UFC 123, NXT Season 4?! Black Friday, Survivor Series and much more!

Welcome to another edition of the weekend wrap up!

Tonight is UFC 123 headlined by Rampage VS Machida and Penn VS Huges. I'm pulling for Huges and Rampage tonight.

Word is starting to get out that WWE is producing a 4th season of NXT....Are You Fucking Kidding Me?!

Hopefully this NXT will be all guys and we get to see Tyler Black on the show.

Black Friday is next Friday but i guess WWE thought they should get a jump start and released 8 people..The only surprise to me was Luke Gallows. But you had to think once WWE split up the Straight Edge Society there wouldn't be much for him...Wonder what will happen with Joey Matthews?

The Old School Raw was a lot of fun Monday night. WWE did a very nice job. I'd LOVE to see them do this as a regular once a year show or even a PPV.

It was fun seeing all the old legends again and Mae Young is ballin! Calling the bella's Sluts and Bitches! She clearly didn't get the PG memo.

I wish they would of gotten HBK and Kevin Nash for the show and they could of even gotten Bret Hart on.

Survivor Series is tomorrow, this is easily one of my favorite Pay Per Views. Actaully i LOVE all the big 4 Pay Per Views they do.

I'm glad Kaval and Daniel Bryan got matches on the card they are easily my two favorite new comers to WWE right now. Would be nice to see Kaval win. I would guess Daniel Bryan to open the show.

Kind of pissed WWE is breaking up The Heart Dynasty, I mean you don't have any tag teams!! why break up the only legit tag team you have?!Is Vince Russo writing this crap?!

Speaking of iMpact this weeks wasn't as bad as last weeks. Still not great and still the same fans tune in week after week...Ratings are showing that.

The Jeff Jarrett MMA thing was the dumbest thing I've EVER seen...PLEASE TNA STOP with the MMA crap and leave that to UFC.

Apparently Tara is a cougar now....Awesome? Does this mean Ziggy and I have a shot? haha

Raven is gone from TNA...I'm sure we'll see him again. Kind of nice to see EV2 going away, you can't keep em around forever.

A&E's Biography of Hulk Hogan was done by Bischoff and Jason Harvey, VERY well done really reminded me of why i still love the hulkster. If you haven't seen it yet you need to watch it.

Our good friend Kevin Sullivan did an interview with about the upcoming WWE Championship book which you can get by clicking here, The link to the interview is here. Congrats to Kevin Sullivan on this upcoming book! I'm sure it will be another New York Times Best Seller!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Total Nonstop Bischoff, Taped Raw, Old School Raw, Remembering Eddie,plus much more.

What's up everyone it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Watching impact this week REALLY felt like WCW, I mean you had the nice big long 15 minuet opening segment featuring Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan...NWO much?

The new TNA title is the worst thing I've EVER seen....I don't buy Jeff Hardy heel turn, mainly cause he's not the best on the mic, never has been never will be.

I'm sick of seeing Eric Bischoff on TNA so much, get rid of him and Hulk and use guys like A.J and Motor City, and Beer Money to lead your company.

Early this week i dd a "Dear Dixie When will enough be enough" Blog, and I stand by that blog even more so now with what i saw on impact this week.

Matt Morgan VS Jeff Hardy again? GREAT...Will Bischoff's son be the ref again and reveal himself as Eric's son?

WWE is doing an "Old School" Raw on Monday, some of the things i want to see are.

Vince and Jessie the body on Commentary.

Or Vince and Macho Man.

The old R A W set.

Sean Mooney.

Mike Adamle (Yes I'm joking about that part)

These are just some of the things I'm hoping to see.

Raw this past week was in the UK and was taped delayed in the US....Does anyone else hate Taped Raws as much as I do?

For some reason I've never been a fan of taped shows.

Survivor Series is a week away, this is one of my favorite PPV's every year. Hopefully they add Daniel Bryan to the card this week.

Sad we won't see an actual Survivor Series elimination match though.

I'm hopin Barret wins the title at Survivor Seires, I'd like to see him get a nice title run, but my guess is it'll be a short run.

Kane V.S. Big Show on SD last night.....YAWN!

TNA Re-signed Eric Young, I guess were still getting the comedy tag team.....

5 years ago today we lost one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, I was never a huge Eddie fan, but he always made me laugh at some of the stuff he did in the ring and the way he'd win matches. I may not have been a huge fan but I damn sure respected what he brought to the table, I wish when I was growing up there were more smaller guys like him and Rey getting pushes, maybe i would have tried to become a wrestler. One of the coolest Eddie moments was him and Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania 20 rejoicing with each other after Chris won his World Title. With that said RIP Eddie You will always be missed but NEVER forgotten.

Speaking of WWE chmpionships our friend Kevin Sullivan's new book is coming out just around the corner now on Nov 23rd! He recently posted on his blog an outtake of his interview with The Big Show, you can check it out by following him on twitter @SullivanBooks, also pre-order the book here.

Coming up Monday on Shotgun Radio, Ziggy and I preview Survivor Series as well as the Old School Raw. Were also talking about Turning Point and our thoughts on Total Nonstop Bischoff er TNA. Be sure to join us on Blog Talk Radio Monday at 2pm central time!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear Dixie Carter, When will enough be enough?

After watching last night's TNA Turning Point Pay Per View, I didn't get the feeling that they tried to make it anything special. It still felt like way to much Eric Bischoff and I'm sure if Hulk Hogan was there or was he? There would of been a lot of Hogan as well.

Bischoff was wearing his Karate Gi, didn't we see this in WCW? Remember when he tried to challenge Vince to a match?

The only moment they tried to make feel special was when Motor City kicked out of the 3D, otherwise it almost felt like i was just watching another episode of impact. When your own crowd doesn't get into the show you know something is wrong. The crowd was dead for the most part the whole night, that's not a good sign.

Since Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff came to TNA the ratings haven't really changed a whole hell of a lot. If they were on Monday nights still i would say they would probably be barley pulling a .5 judging by the way things went on their trial run on Monday nights.

I think Dixie Carter made the biggest mistake ever by passing on Paul Hayman I don't know if she didn't buy his plan but from what he said it sounded like a legit plan that would indeed work. She needs a mind like Paul Hayman, not like Vince Russo.

I'll be the first to say Dixie please just let Hulk, Eric, and Vince go now. I like Hogan just as much as the next guy, but why is he even there? He can't wrestle anymore, him and Eric are trying to re-create the NWO where half the roster is with them. They try and praise their "Youth Movement" Well that's a load of shit. WWE is kicking your ass as far as Youth Movement goes.

Every week I see way to much Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. I want to see more of AJ Styles, Beer Money, The Young Bucks, the list goes on and on. They really do have a GREAT young roster.....why the hell aren't you using it like you should?! I would rather watch the house show i went to 1000 times then the crap the put on last night.

When is Dixie Carter going to realize "hey this just isn't working" Knowing her probably never, shes so wrap up in it she doesn't see the big picture. Better question when will Spike TV come along and say "Hey we need to do better then these 1.1's." Dixie talks about change all the time, yet it's still the same old product. I ask you Dixie When Will Enough be enough?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

TNA Turning Point Picks

Believe it or not, there's another PPV upon us so here are our picks.
Chewy's Picks

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy V.S. Matt Morgan

I don't see a clean finish at all, I truly hope these two put on a good match, I don't have a lot of faith in it, But i'm taking Hardy with some outside help.

TNA World Tag Team Championship
The Motor City Machine Guns V.S. Team 3-D

Again i see a dirty finish with Bubba turning on Devon costing them the match. Winner: Motor City.

TNA X-Division Championship
Jay Lethal V.S. Robbie E

I could see Robbie E walking away with the belt, just for TNA to try and continue to get him over. I don't want Robbie E to win mainly cause he's annoying as shit and not over at all. I'm going with my gut here and take Jay Lethal to retain.

Winning Team Gets to Fire a Loosing Team Member
Fortune V.S. EV2 - Simple I'm taking Fortune with either Sabu or Rhino getting fired.

Jeff Jarrett V.S. Soma Joe - Taking Joe here

Tommy Dreamer V.S. RVD - Weird match but whatever, I'm taking RVD.

Lumberjack Match
Abyss V.S. "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero - Taking Abyss here

Mickie James V.S. Tara - Should be a good match, I'm taking Tara here with help from Madision.

ziggy's Picks
- World Champion Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan.
Zigman's Pick: Hardy
- World Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machineguns vs. Team 3D.
Zigman's Pick: MCMG
- X-Division Champion Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E.
Zigman's Pick: Robbie E
- Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer.
Zigman's Pick: RVD
- Mickie James vs. Tara.
Zigman's Pick: Mickie James
- EV2.0 vs. Fourtune - Winning Team gets to Fire a member of the losing team.
Zigman's Pick: Fourtune and Sabu gets fired
-Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe
Zigman's Pick: Samoa Joe
-Pope Dinero vs. Abyss - Fan Lumberjack Match
Zigman's Pick: Abyss

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Stand up for WWE, Monday Night Raw,TNA Turning Point and more!

Didn't really have much to talk about last week, but i'm back this week with another edition of the Weekend Wrap Up!

Linda McMahon lost her senate race this past Tuesday night, Sadly WWE will NOT be getting rid of PG.

Monday Night Raw featured the one and only Pee Wee Herman....That dude creeps me the F out now.... I was rather surprised to see the rating go up this week.

Congrats to the San Fransisco Giants on their World Series win.

Anyone hoping for Brock VS Taker for Mania might as well give up hope now. Lesnar is still under a UFC contract.

I'm hoping Brock's next fight is against "Big Country" Roy Nelson.

WWE is still doing their Stand up for WWE campaign, I wish i could sit down now....

TNA Finally banned unprotected chair shots to the head, smart move, but they still don't do drug testing?

Turing Point will be headlined by Jeff Hardy V.S. Matt Morgan for the TNA World Title....That'll sell the PPV....

TNA has been consistent in the 1.1 rating....When will Spike TV come out and say we need to do better?

Shame that CM Punk will be missing time with a hip injury, it appeared they were setting up a Daniel Bryan/Punk Feud....Hopefully we get that match for mania, they should tear the house down.

Speaking of Daniel Bryan that dude puts on AMAZING matches, his past two ppv matches the crowd has chanted "This is Awesome" You don't get that at WWE shows anymore.

I'm getting the felling Miz could potentially cash in his money in the bank at the Survivor Series ppv, if that doesn't happen i see him cashing it in at Royal Rumble.

The more their playing it the more I feel Miz will be the first to cash in and NOT win.

I wish WWE would stop trying to push Smackdown! as the No 1 show, because it still is clearly not the No 1 show.

If you haven't yet please start following our good friend @SullivanBooks on twitter, we had him on the show two weeks ago talking about his upcoming WWE Championship book pre order the book by clicking on WWE Championship.

Be sure to check back tomorrow for our TNA Turning Point picks!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

WWE Bragging Right's Picks

We are just 3 hrs away from WWE annual Bragging Rights PPV and here are picks!

Chewy's Pick's

Randy Orton V.S. Wade Barrett(w/John Cena) for the WWE Championship - If i'm booking this match you let Barrett go over here and to make things better you have Cena legitimately help Barrett go over. None of this teasing crap just make Cena turn into a heel tonight by helping Barrett win. I'm taking Barrett.

Kane V.S. Undertaker in a Buried Alive Match for the World Heavyweight Championship - Buried alive matches have never really been in favor of Taker, plus with rumors going around that he's taking more time off to have surgery it would only make sense for Kane to go over - I'm taking Kane.

Team Raw V.S. Team Smackdown! - Vince want's to treat Smackdown! as a No 1 brand...Sorry Vince Smackdown! won't become the No 1 brand no matter how much you want it to be. Still Smackdown! will go over here tonight. I'm also picking the Big Show to get the final elimination to make this his event.

Daniel Bryan V.S. Dolph Ziggler - I'm taking Bryan here.

Layla V.S. Natalya for the Unified Divas Championship - I smell a title change here and i'm taking Natalya.

Goldust V.S. Ted Dibiase - I think Ted takes this one.

Ziggy's Picks
Unified Divas Title Match: Layla © vs. Natalya
Ziggy: Natalya
* RAW vs. SmackDown! Match: US Champion Daniel Bryan vs. IC Champion Dolph Ziggler
Ziggy: Daniel Bryan
* Bragging Rights Tag Team Match: Team Raw (Captain Miz, Sheamus, John Morrison, C.M. Punk, R-Truth, Santino and Ezekiel Jackson) vs. Team Smackdown (Captain Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Edge, Tyler Reks, and Kofi Kingston)
Ziggy: Team Smackdown
* World Title Buried Alive Match: Kane © w/Paul Bearer vs. The Undertaker
Ziggy: Kane
* WWE Title Match: Randy Orton © vs. Wade Barrett w/John Cena
Ziggy: Wade Barrett
Goldust V.S. Ted Dibaise
Ziggy: Goldust

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking UFC 121, WWE Bragging Rigjhts, Stand Up for WWE, TNA and much more!

What's up everyone?! It's the weekend so that brings us to yet another weekend wrap up! Lot's to talk about so let's get to it!

Tonight is the big UFC 121 ppv! This card is STACKED! The UFC debut of Jake Shields, Brock Lesnar defends his heavyweight belt, and Tito Ortiz makes his return to the octagon!

I will be cheering for Lesnar and Ortiz tonight.

They are calling this heavyweight fight the biggest heavyweight fight in UFC history....Wasn't that supposed to be Shane Carwin VS Brock Lesnar? Each of Brock's fight's keep getting bigger and bigger.

WWE started a "Stand up for WWE" campaign this past Monday. At first it didn't seem like a bad idea, but when Vince says they are "taking away our right to vote" Thats pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

If we don't vote it's cause we choose not to Vince!!!

This past week WWE actually had some good TV quality matches on their shows Raw and Smackdown! NXT is till not a show if you ask me...hell just ask Joey Styles, if you don't know what i meant by that follow his twitter page during NXT...It's priceless!!

I liked the "hype" they tried doing for tomorrows PPV but, with UFC tonight and Packers/Vikings game tomorrow they got TOUGH competition.

I'm kind of bothered by the fact that Vince wants to treat Smackdown! as the no 1 brand...Really Vince? Why?!

Smackdown! is just not no 1 brand material in my book, however it is getting better to watch.

Sadly Smackdown! will be going over at the PPV, mark my words!

This is all being done to help ratings and try and get their WWE network up and running.

I never would of guessed WWE would have more wrestling then TNA the past two weeks.

This weeks impact was good however.

But why is AJ Styles wrestling in Jeans? and since when does RVD wear a shirt when he wrestles?!

I'm REALLY enjoying the Jarrett/Angle feud right now, even though Angle isn't there right now i like how their starting to build it up.

When Angle comes back and is healed up it should make for a hell of a great match between the two.

No word yet on if Matt Hardy has a 90 no compete clause, but the word is he is TNA bound.

If he does have a 90 no compete clause we should see him in TNA just before the New Year or shortly after the New Year would be my guess.

TNA had an Ultimate X match on impact this week....Probably one of the WORST ultimate x matches i've ever seen!

Monday on Shotgun Radio our good friend @SullivanBooks author of the WWE Championship book will be joining us to talk about the upcoming book which is due out Nov 23rd. It can be pre-ordered by clicking on the link here. Also we'll be talking about the Stand Up for WWE campaign as well as a review of WWE Bragging Rights PPV. Be sure to check the blog tomorrow for our predicitions.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Stand Up For WWE: My reasons for being a WWE "mark."

For those who missed it early today Vince McMahon and the WWE posted a video which can be seen here asking the WWE Universe to Stand Up for WWE.

I completely agree with Vince McMahon here and what they are trying to do. The political race involving his wife shouldn't be focusing on her former company the WWE. Yet news networks and her opponent seem to think they should.

I thought I would take this time to post my thoughts on WWE and why I'm such a WWE mark as you would call me.

I first got into pro wrestling when I was two years old when my old babysitters son was very into it and he just got me hooked on it, from there it was all uphill. I loved how bigger then life pro wrestling seemed, all the stars with their awesome entrance music, and willingness to make the crowd "pop."

Hulk Hogan was my first childhood hero(but then again who didn't love hulk hogan?) Hogan was exactly what his nickname was immortal, he made you believe he could NEVER loose. Hogan was the perfect hero for young kids everywhere and he was one of the main reasons I started watching WWE.

I attended my first WWE event when I was 3 or 4? I remember my sister won tickets on the radio for me and we had floor seats, talk about a cool experience to be able to touch the wrestlers hands and cheer them on. I still have pictures from this event as a matter of fact. This was another moment when I fell in love with professional wrestling.

After Hogan had moved on to WCW I became a huge Bret Hart fan, he was just one of the best WWE champions the company ever had, never backed down from a challenge and always defended his title.

Throughout the years I would attend MANY wrestling events ranging from TV tapings to house shows and always have a blast at each one, There's nothing better then witnessing WWE,WCW, or even TNA LIVE! Now a days family's can bring their kids and make it one big family event, there's just nothing like being at a wrestling event live weather it be WWE,TNA, or an Independent show.

When I first got into WWE they were all bout the goofy gimmicks and big man, boy have times changed. I love the fact that it's not a big mans "sport" anymore. Now anyone doesn't matter what size you are can be a wrestler.

The WWE does more for their community/universe then just about any other organization out there. They're always granting wishes for kids through the make a wish foundation, they've gone over seas for a number of years now to do a tribute to our troops, they encourage young people to vote with the "smackdown your vote campaign", plus much more.

These are some of the reason why I'm a huge WWE mark and most likely always will be. I appuladed Eric Bischoff today for standing behind this campaign even though he is the "competition." I would like to see more wrestlers past and present along with fans join along and Stand up not only for WWE but for Professional Wrestling all together.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking TNA House Show, WWE Braging Rights, Smackdown, and More!

What's up everyone? I know it's a little later then normal but it's time for another Weekend Wrap up blog!

Anyone been watching Two and a half men? God how can you not feel bad for Allan? Poor SOB lol Great show!

Ziggy and I attend the TNA house show last night, i must say it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. TNA really does go the extra mile to make their fans feel special, We met almost the entire roster that night except 5 guys.

Believe it or not I even enjoyed the Knockouts match they had on the card! They need to give their women more time on TV.

From what I've heard TNA impact this last week should of been called Total none stop talking.

I haven't watched it yet this week but i just may do that tonight or tomorrow sometime.

For those who missed Smackdown! this past week I suggest you go watch it! More wrestling then TNA and the matches actually had meaning behind them.

They did qualifying matches for the Team Smackdown! for the Bragging Rights PPV.

Speaking of Bragging Right I'm actually looking forward to this PPV.

The Team Smackdown! VS Team Raw match should be a good one but I think they'll put Smackdown! over.

WWE finally released Matt Hardy this past week.

All I can say is about time, According to Jeff, Matt will be in TNA very soon, I wonder if Matt has a no compete clause.

Hopefully when one Matt Hardy does show his ugly mug in TNA it's a good thing for him.

Raw this past week was very youthful, Focused a lot on the young talent of the WWE roster.

I never thought WWE would be the ones to push their youth movement more then TNA has.

Read a sneak peak of the WWE Championship book sounds like it's gunna be a great book, if you want sneak peaks follow @SullivanBooks on twitter also pre-oder the book here

For pictures of the TNA house show event I went to you can view them here

That'll do it for another edition of the weekend wrap up, Be sure to tune in tomorrow to Shotgun Radio on blogtalk radio at 2pm central time, Ziggy and I will run down our thoughts on the TNA house show in Dubuque, Preview WWE Bragging Rights PPV, Talk about the very talkative TNA Impact! and much more!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

TNA Bound For Glory Picks

Kurt Angle V.S Mr. Anderson V.S. Jeff Hardy for the TNA Title - If Angle did have his if i loose i'm retired stipulation i might go differently, but i'm picking Angle

Rob Van Dam V.S. Abyss in a Monsters Ball Match - This is Abyss's match right here, but will he win? My guess is no I'm taking RVD.

Fortune V.S. EV2 Lethal Lockdown Match - No need for EV2 to win, Fortune is the future of this company you NEED to let them win, i'm picking Fortune.
Sting,Kevin Nash, D'Angelo Dinero V.S. Jeff Jarrett & Soma Joe - I'm taking Joe and Jarrett but i won't be surprised to see Joe turn on Jarrett

Motor City Machine Guns V.S. Generation Me for the TNA Tag Titles- Should be a good match, I'm going with Motor City.

Jay Lethal V.S. Douglas Williams for the X-Division title- I'm not a big fan of Williams, so I'm taking Lethal in this.

Angelina Love V.S. Velvet Sky V.S. Madison Rayne V.S. Tara for the Knockouts title - I'd love to see Tara win here but i'm going with Angelina.

Eric Young & Orlando Jordan V.S. Ink Ink - This is a throw away match, I'm taking Ink Ink

Ziggy's Pick
Orlando Jordan and Eric Young vs Ink Inc
ziggy: I still dont get why this match was added to ppv but i hope Ink inc wins...

Angelina Love vs Madison Rayne vs Velvet Sky vs Tara
ziggy: Tara

Jay Lethal vs Douglas Williams
ziggy: Jay Lethal

Motor City Machine Guns vs Generation Me
ziggy: MCMG

Sting, Kevin Nash and The Pope vs Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe
ziggy: not sure here who pick but i got with Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe

Fortune vs EV2
ziggy: Fortune

Rob Van Dam vs Abyss
ziggy: RVD

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Anderson
ziggy: Mr. Anderson

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking MLB Playoffs, NFL,NCAA,WWE,TNA's Bound for Glory and MORE!

What's up everybody? It's Saturday which means it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up blog. Lots to talk about so let's get to it.

MLB Playoffs are going on right now, If the Yankees win the world series again I will be tempted to stop watching baseball.

I'm picking The Rangers and the Phillies in the world series.

Chiefs V.S. Colts tomorrow, HUGE game for the Chiefs, I'm not getting overconfident but i hope we put up a fight.

Right now Alabama is loosing by 7 to South Carolina, but are within scoring range, could be a dog fight finish, Personally i LOVE upsets.

Michigan and Denard Robinson got exposed today, can't wait for the hawks to play them next week!

Time for wrestling

TNA had their LIVE impact this Thursday, I've heard good things and bad things about this show, I have yet to watch it but plan to tomorrow after the PPV.

Kevin Nash claims on twitter that he will finish with TNA in 4 days and sounds like finally retire and go home. Good for him he deserves it.

If Nash retires it takes away who I thought "they" were. Be interesting to see who "they" are come Sunday.

TNA House show comes to Iowa next weekend me and Ziggy will be on hand and taking pictures and video for our facebook page. Really excited for their house show as I've heard their much better then their TV shows.

According to one Matt Hardy he has asked for his release TWICE....WHY does WWE want to keep him around?! Sounds like he may be getting released soon.

I find it funny that even his ex girlfriend Lita has been wondering "what's wrong with that guy?"

Also does anyone notice how wrestlers tend to bash internet sites yet they still check them all the time?

Edge got traded to Smackdown! I think this was a very good move by WWE he needs more people to work with and it helps the Smackdown! brand out.

Raw is getting CM Punk, Very excited to see Punk come over to Raw.

Sounds like WWE is leaning towards a buried alive match between Kane and Undertaker at the next PPV, Be interesting to see how this works out.

If you haven't yet you need to start following @SullivanBooks on Twitter, If you like wrestling he's a good one to follow.

Hie new book WWE Championship comes out sometime in November. Pre-order it by clicking on the text.

That'll do it for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

WWE Hell in a Cell Picks

Seems like we were just here two weeks ago....oh wait we were...Here are our Hell in the Cell picks.

Chewy's Picks
Randy Orton V.S. Sheamus for the WWE title in a hell in a cell match - I pick Orton to retain here and finally end this feud and move on to someone else.

John Cena V.S. Wade Barrett - I pick Barrett, it makes the most since and i think a Cena "heel" turn would make people watch.

Kane V.S. Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship - Should be easy and go with Taker to win here and keep his belt for awhile, might be the last time we see Taker in a Hell in the Cell match.
Daniel Bryan V.S. The Miz V.S. John Morrison - Pretty random to throw Morrison in their but i'm going with Daniel Bryan to reatin tonight

Michelle McCool V.S. Natalya for the WWE Diva's Championship - I'm taking McCool here.

Ziggy's Picks
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Sheamus (Hell in a Cell Match)
Ziggy's pick: Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. The Undertaker (Hell in a Cell Match)
Ziggy's pick: Kane

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett
Ziggy's Pick: Wade Barrett

U.S. Championship Triple Threat Submissions Count Anywhere Match Daniel Bryan vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz
Ziggy's Pick: Daniel Bryan

Unified Divas Champion Michelle McCool vs. Natalya
Ziggy's Pick: Natalya

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Smackdown debuts on SyFy,Tough Enough,Mick Foley being promoted on WWE TV and More.

What's up everyone it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Smackdown! made it's debut on SyFy last night, Not a bad show but it felt more like Raw then Smackdown!

I like that Smackdown! moved the SyFy, now the show will actually be on at 7pm instead of 9pm.

Surprisingly to many my Kansas City Chiefs are 3-0!! Yahoo....better enjoy it now while i can.

Is anyone still watching baseball this time of the year?

Is Matt er Matthew Hardy starting to freak anyone else the fuck out?

I've been saying it weeek after week WWE PLEASE just release him...who cares if he does to a C rated program/company.

Raw got a 2.7 rating...ouch....

Final rating of NXT was a .07....Honestly am surprised it wasn't that rating any sooner! On a side note the final rating of ECW was a 2,.7.....HMMMMM

I recently bought the tough enough seasons online and just watched Season 3 where John Morrison won, it was a GREAT season to bad Matt the runner up had a brain tumor, i also thought Jonah could of been a star. I wish they would of continued with Tough Enough.

WWE's Hell in a Cell is tomorrow.....then in about two more weeks we have ANOTHER ppv....that's about 3 ppvs in one month...REALLY?! Do we need that many?

Tomorrow is the best day to turn John Cena heel.

I love Green Day and all but the worst possible theme song WWE could of picked is "Know Your Enemy"

Anyone else feel like Randy Orton should go back to a heel? I have a hard time believing him as a face, especially when he doesn't like it.

Big change coming to TNA this week....i feel like i've heard this before...oh wait i have,,,

If you haven't yet go pick up the new Chris Jericho DVD, A+ DVD!

Also go pre-order the WWE Championship book on

Friday, September 24, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Matt Hard, UFC, NFL,WWE Championship Book and more!

What's up everybody? It's the end of the week so that means it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up!!

Anyone else watching this season of the Ultimate Fighter? Bruce Leeroy is one of my favs so far, had a nice win in the first episode.

UFC 119 is tomorrow night, headlined by Frank Mir V.S. Cro Cop and Ryan Bader V.S. Antonio Nogueria, Not sure who I want to win Mir V.S. Cro Cop yet but i'm cheering for Bader in his fight.

UFC does AMAZING countdown/preview shows.

Surprisingly my Chiefs are 2-0!! I'm heading to Kansas City this weekend for the game Sunday!

Anyone catch the preimer of Two and A Half Men Monday? Man that was funny stuff.

Now time for wrestling chat

Unless something happens next week Matt Hardy should still be employed by WWE. Looks like he spends most of his time now in the gym, we all know he needs to.

I get the feeling that Matt is one big attention whore, posting all these youtube videos about how he's getting in better shape and how he wants a release from WWE and blah blah blah.

I just wish WWE would let Hardy go already so he can become another guy on the TNA roster.

For those who don't know yet our friend Kevin Sullivan (no not the Task master) is releasing a book called the WWE Championship.

From what it sounds like the book has a lot of really neat stories from past and present champions, if you follow him on twitter @sullivanbooks he'll give lil stories here and there from the book also does a lot of wrestling related question's pretty fun to follow.

He also wrote the WWE Encyclopedia book that's out right now. The WWE Championship book is due in November, you can pre-order it on We will have Kevin on an upcoming edition of Shotgun Radio stay tuned.

Raw rating surely took a hit! 2.8!? DAMN WWE has to come up with something especially with the go home show this Monday being taped.

Hell in a Cell is shaping up nicely, i just feel that having a ppv 2 weeks apart doesn't give a lot of time for build up.

I'm looking forward to Cena V.S Barett, this is the PERFECT time to turn Cena heel.

Orton V.S.Sheamus in Hell in a Cell should be a good one as well

Taker V.S. Kane Hell in a Cell should be decent be interesting to see how Taker can go in hell in a cell.

I actually watched impact last night, wasn't to bad i still feel their show Reaction is better then impact.

Last night TNA held two show in separate cities one in New York the other in OKC.

OKC was headlined by Flair V.S. Angle, this match would of been good......if Flair was 20 years younger, Angle can still hang with anybody, I don't think Flair can though.

TNA Really should of stacked the Hammerstein ballroom show in NY last night IMO.

I'm beginning to think "they" are gunna end up being Sting and Nash....This has Nash's name written all over it.

Dixie once again promoted the "change" that will happen Oct 7th...I wanna know but at the same time my hopes are very slim.

TNA signed free agent Mickie James, GREAT movie by TNA, Mickie reminds me a lot of Trish, hopefully they use her right and help push their knockouts so we don't see the same three every week.

Well that'll do it for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

WWE Night of Champions Predictions

Today is WWE's annual Night of Champions Pay Per View. Personally one of my favorite concept Pay Per View's WWE has. Let's get right to the picks.

Chewy's Pick's

Big Show V.S. CM Punk - This match really has NO meaning to be on this pay per view. I'd rather see the tag team title match get thrown on here. Which i'm sure will be a last minuet addition as nothing has been announced - I'm taking CM Punk here.

Melina V.S. Michelle McCool to unify the Women's and Diva's championship - Well in this business it helps when you know the right people, I think Melina should win but will she? No. As well all know McCool is married to Taker therefor has a power rank within WWE. I'm taking McCool, but don't be surprised to see Layla come out and try and cost her the match setting up a feud for them.

Dolph Ziggler V.S. Kofi Kingston for the I.C. Title - Hopefully this will be the end of this feud. I think this will go to Ziggler.

The Miz V.S. Daniel Bryan for the U.S. title - I think this title doesn't do anything for Miz right now, I think he'll drop the title to Bryan here.

Kane V.S. Undertaker - I'd like The Undertaker to win, but I don't know how much the guy has left in his tank to have another title run. I think Kane will come out and retain the title here.

6 Pack Challenge John Cena V.S. Wade Barrett V.S Randy Orton V.S Sheamus V.S. Edge V.S.Chris Jericho - My pick goes to Barrett but it would not surprise me to see Sheamus retain only to have The Miz come out and cash in the Money in The Bank and win the belt (That's my wild card pick)

Ziggy's Pick's
-Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton in an elimination match for the WWE Championship.
Zigman: Wade Barrett

-Kane vs. Undertaker in a No Holds Barred match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Zigman: who cares

-The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan for the United States Championship.
Zigman: Bryan Danielson

-Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Championship.
Zigman: Kofi Kingston

-Melina vs. Michelle McCool to unify the Woman's and Divas Championships.
Zigman: Melina

-Big Show vs. C.M. Punk.
Zigman: C.M. Punk

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking NFL, UFC, Matt Hardy, Night of Champions, TNA,Ring of Honor,and Much More!

What's up everybody? Time for another edition of the weekend wrap up!

NFL Week 1 sure kicked off with a BANG! My Chiefs pulled a huge upset over the Chargers! The crowd was extremely loud the whole game and was very fun to watch!

UFC Ultimate Fighter season 12 started off this past Wednesday night, from what I've watch they've got a good group of guys in there. The wild card factor is always great.

Is anyone still watching baseball right now?

Ever since football started baseball just doesn't matter anymore.

Is anyone else wondering what the hell is wrong with Matt Hardy? Does he really think his fans that follow him on the internet are stupid to think he didn't really get sent home?! Come on Matt?!

I think Matt is trying to get his release from WWE, What wrestler in their right mind would promote the "competition" and teas the fact that he's going to make a jump?

Personally I think WWE just needs to cut ties with Hardy, they're not using him good anyway, plus they got plenty of young talent right now that they don't need Hardy.

I still have yet to watch a single episode of "season 3" of NXT, It sounds like it's absolute garbage. I feel sorry for the 1. something million people that actually sat through that crap Tuesday night. Although i should of just watched Michael Cole quit, sounds like the best part of the show so far.

I get WWE trying to keep the PG image but releasing Alosia was just stupid, the pictures in question she took however many years ago...what should it matter now?! WWE you use to have girls in Playboy!!!!

Night of Champions is coming up tomorrow, I'm pretty excited for this PPV.

All the titles on the line, a short Divas match that I get to bitch about on Monday, Miz possibly walking out as WWE champion, and Daniel Bryan becoming the new US Champion should make for a fun night. Those are just my predictions anyway.

TNA.......ugh......nuff said

I attempted to watch a lil bit of it this week, I just have a hard time getting into it....I wish they'd continue to push their young talent more. They have GREAT young talent that they NEED to push.

That'll do it for another edition of the weekend wrap up, Short edition this week. Be sure to come back tomorrow for our Night of Champions picks!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Soundoff: The end is near for NXT.

Well WWE tried a new concept show, I thought it worked great with the men of FCW(Florida Championship Wrestling) but then they try to do an all diva's show. Why? WWE doesn't give their diva's the time of day on house shows, T.V. or Pay Per Views. I have yet to watch one episode of this season of NXT and I don't intend to.

Tonight Michael Cole did probably the best thing he's ever done in his career and no that's no commentating. He spoke the truth about what the fans think about NXT, or this season at least. Cole called the show ridiculous and saying it violated his journalistic integrity. Nice work Cole! Not only does it violate you integrity, it violates the integrity of the fans that have to watch it not only in the arena but the ones who watch it for 5 minuets at home.

I feel if I watch 5 minuets of this season I will seek to an all time low. To put it simply this season without watching is god awful!

Michael Cole said tonight we could catch a replay of tonight episode on tomorrow...why the hell would anyone want to?! That's where this season should of been put all along!! I'd rather watch a weekly highlight show highlighting the week in events for WWE then have to sit through watching horrible female wrestlers..if you can call them that..

They said the first elimination is in 3 weeks...They still won't be done with it when the contract runs up on syfy...WWE do yourself and your fans a favor and slap together a highlight show for the next 4 weeks and air that instead! Move NXT to!

What are your thoughts on NXT? Should it go back to an all Male cast? Or just stay on and be a web show? Let us know with a comment below or on our facebook page!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up : Talking New Fall TV Shows,NFL,NCAA,Triple H,Kaval,TNA Set to change yet again and more!

What's up everybody it's Saturday which means it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up! Let's get to it!

NFL kicked off this past Thursday night with the Saints beating the Vikings 14-9, Very defensive battle on both sides of the ball. Vikes offense just needs to click more.

My chiefs get a Monday night game for once!! I'm pretty excited for this game against the Chargers. Can't wait for Monday night!

Hawks are playing Iowa State right now and were ahead 21-0 in the 2nd! Dominating them on all sides of the ball!

New fall shows are starting to pop up! Looking forward to a new season of Biggest Loser starting in a couple weeks as well as new season of Two and a Half Men.

Now time for wrestling

For those who haven't heard yet Triple H is now an executive within WWE and works directly under Vince McMahon, Apparently he's been doing this for years already except now he has an official title and an office at the WWE headquaters.

If i were a betting man I would be willing to bet that Triple H and Stephanie will take over when Vince retires or dies...I can't see Vince retiring.

Kaval made his debut on Smackdown! this week. Looked really good to, I think he'll fit in well on Smackdown! I just wish they'd get him away from Laycool.

I wasn't aware WWE does "seasons" apparently the new season starts on Monday.

Why bother calling it a season WWE? You don't take time off.

WWE & THQ had their roster announcement conference this week for the new Smackdown VS Raw video game, I'm very impressed with the roster and can't wait to get this game!

The Miz was on hand for this press conference dude was very funny!!!

In case you missed it go back and watch John Morrison V.S. Chris Jericho from Raw monday, overall GREAT match!

Also been REALLY enjoying The Miz and Daniel Bryan feud, hopefully they give the US title to Bryan at Night of Champions.

Not gunna lie i'm looking forward to WWE's Night of Champions PPV.

Moving to TNA now did you guys know TNA is gunna change AGAIN?!

My guess is this time Hurricane Helms OR Carlito will come in and be faced with the tough challenge to "change" TNA.

I wish TNA or Dixie Carter for that matter would quit saying their going to "change" TNA.

I guessed last week that the divas ppv match wouldn't go more then 5 minuets....I was right.

For a company who claims to have the better diva's of the industry they sure don't use them at all.

We see the same diva's week in and week out....Well same 4 diva's each week.

Ziggy and I had a nice bitch fest on our show this week about the booking in TNA...To put it simply it's just fucking horrible!

How can you have an AMAZING match in Angle/Hardy and NOT give them a REAL/Clean finish!!!

I felt bad for Anderson and The Pope to have to TRY and follow that match.

Did anyone else catch Kevin Nash's twitter rant this week? LOL WOW Either he had to much to drink or he just wanted to go off..Funny thing is what he said is all true.

Well that does it for another weekend wrap up.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

TNA No Surrender Picks

Not going to lie i'm not really excited for this PPV, TNA has done a pretty bad job hyping it up and most matches didn't get announced until Thursday's impact. Anyway here are our picks.


Kurt Angle V.S. Jeff Hardy - To bad they have the "if angle looses he retires"storyline going on...I'm taking Angle in this one.

Mr.Anderson V.S. D'Angelo Dinero - Mr.Anderson

Motor City Machine Guns V.S. Desmond Wolfe and Magnus - Motor City Machine Guns

A.J Styles V.S. Tommy Dreamer in an "I Quit" match - I'll be pissed if they let dreamer win. If TNA is all about Youth they need to let AJ win otherwise this youth movement is full of shit. I'm taking A.J.

Kevin Nash & Sting V.S. Jeff Jarett & Soma Joe - I'm going with Joe and Jarett here

Douglas Williams V.S. Sabu for the X-Division title - I think I'll take Williams here.

Abyss V.S. Rhino in a falls count anywhere match - Abyss

Velvet Sky V.S. Madison Rayne - YAWN I feel like we see this match every week on impact...oh wait we do...I think Madison takes this one in a match that'll be less then 5 minuets.

Ziggy's Picks
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy
Zigman's Pick: Kurt Angle

Mr. Anderson vs. The Pope
Zigman's Pick: Mr. Anderson

London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe/Magnus) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) (c)
Zigman's Pick: Motor City

AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer
Zigman's Pick: AJ Styles

Kevin Nash & Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett & Samoa Joe
Zigman's Pick: Kevin Nash & Sting

Sabu vs. Douglas Williams (c)
Zigman's Pick: Douglas Williams

Abyss vs. Rhino
Zigman's Pick: Abyss

Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne
Zigman's Pick: Velvet Sky

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Hawkeye Football,Chiefs Football,Who are "They",Smackdown VS Raw 2011,900 Raws, Matt Hardy,Christian and More!

What's up everyone? Hope you all had a good week! It's the weekend so that means it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up!

Hawkeye football kicked off today!

Nothing more exciting then seeing a sea of Black and Gold again!!

My Chiefs won their first pre-season game since 2008 the other night over the green bay packers.

I know pre-season don't mean shit but damn it's nice to get a win.

Ok let's get to wrestling

TNA is heading to IOWA for a house show next month, me and the Zigman got 2nd row seats and will be providing updates while we are there! REALLY excited for this house show.

Many people have some crazy theory's on who "they" are that Abyss keeps talking about.

One that I read today and really like is Main Event Mafia.

I kind of wish TNA would SKIP tomorrow's PPV, There is ZERO hype for it. They've been hyping Bound For Glory, Skip tomorrow and just keep hyping Bound For Glory.

TNA has more women on their roster then WWE does, yet we only see the same three women each week...Women's wrestling is MASSIVE fail!!

WWE had their 900th raw episode this past week, I wish they would of brought back some older guys. 900 episodes is a HUGE deal.

WWE is starting promoton for their next installment of the Smackdown V.S. Raw video game series.

Personally I can't wait for this years game over 70 guys in the game!

I turned on Smackdown! last night and I feel like every time i turn on Matt Hardy is facing Drew McIntyre.

I wish WWE would give Hardy more of a push but I understand why they don't.

Same thing can be said for Christian

He puts on good matches but hasn't been pushed they way he should.

Is anyone else in eastern Iowa looking forward to Smackdown! moving to SyFy and actually being on at 7pm as apposed to 9pm!

NXT Season 3 is All Divas?! FUCK! One show i willl NOT be watching.

They've already tried to start a storyline before the show aired by Vickie "Firing" her diva.

Guess what WWE I'm still not interested...cause whoever wins you'll just burry them anyway.

I'm super excited that Kaval won NXT season 2. I see him ending up on Smackdown!

On a final note I truly hope WWE gets a deal worked out with Chris Jericho. He's one of, if not the BEST promo guys they have and an AMAZING in ring worker..Regardless I think they'll get something done and he'll be back by the end of the year.

That does it for this weeks edition of Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Chewy's Favorite Monday Night Raw Moments!

What's up everybody? As we celebrate 900 episodes of Monday Night Raw i thought i'd take some time and list off some of my favorite Monday Night Raw moments! These are in no certian order.

1. D-X Apology speach - This was Classic D-X just to see them spit in the face of USA network and poke some fun at Bill Clinton.

2. Stone Cold Steve Austin Pours cement in Vince's new Corvette - This was a GREAT moment in raw history that only helped the Austin McMahon feud grow even greater.

3. Stone Cold bring Miller Lite Beer Truck to the ring and soaks Vince and his goons. This was just priceless especially when Vince is swimming in the pool of beer.

4. The Nexus beat down of John Cena - I think every Cena hater enjoyed this. I'm not a hater but i felt it was truly one of those GREAT moments in raw that helped develop a new stable.

5. Bret Screwed Bret - This speech helped Mr. McMahon character get his started.

6. Rock throws Stone Cold/IC title over the bridge into the river - This was one of my Favorite Rock/Austin feud moments! The battle on the bridge which ended in Austin getting thrown over the rail into the river.

7. Vince McMahon is revealed as the higher power - I recently watched some of these raw's not to long ago and this story line with Taker going around Sacrificing people was just AWESOME!

8. The Hart Foundation reunites - This was a really cool moment, it helped turned Bret heel and reunited the family.

9. D-X invades the production truck during raw and Vince's speech - This was just funnier then hell, just watching these two goof around with all the buttons during Vince's promo was good T.V.

10. D-X invades WCW - This is just CLASSIC, when people think Monday Night Wars this is one of those moments people think about.

11. Vince McMahon's Limo explodes with him inside - This was a GREAT raw moment, sadly due to certain events we weren't able to see this story unfold.

12. The NWO comes to the WWE - This was a cool thing i thought, It was great to see Hogan back in the WWE at the time and Nash and Hall were still in decent shape to.

13. The Rock challenges Hulk Hogan to a match at Wrestlemania - Talk about an epic meeting between to of the businesses GREATEST superstars.

14. HBK Retirement speech - I know if i would of been in that building on that night i would of cried like a baby.

15. HBK and Bret Hart bury the hatchet - This was one of those moments we thought we would NEVER see, I guess now I can truly believe the phrase Never say Never, This promo between them felt so real and so heart felt, truly awesome moment.

16. Ric Flair Retirement - This was the perfect way for WWE to send Flair out, it was truly a great moment, just a shame he can't stay away from the Biz.

17, Austin crushes The Rocks new car with a Monster Truck - This was another GREAT Rock/Austin moment, The fact Vince bought a car the day of just to destroy it is amazing.

18. Kurt Angle drives Milk truck into raw - Ok this was a GREAT way for Kurt to do something Austin like that totally fit his style, this was just truly funny on Kurt's part,

19. Mike Tyson/Stone Cold Steve Austin showdown! - This was one of the fist moments that launched WWE into the attitude era. Truly an epic encounter between these two.

20. The Debut of Y2J - What better way to debut then to have a promo showdown against The Rock?

These are just SOME of my favorite raw moments, hope you guys enjoyed!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Paris Hilton,Vinyl Records,Football,Raw,Smackdown,Impact and much more.

What's up everyone? Hope you all had a great week. It's time for another weekend wrap up edition.

I woke up this morning to the news of Paris Hilton getting arrested for possession of crack, like a great person i am i just laughed.

Finally this week i will be getting my long awaited Blink-182 self-titled record in vinyl! Collecting vinyl records is fun....i just need a vinyl player haha.

High School football started last night/this weekend for many states, nothing better then finally getting some football in our highlights!!

I've seen a few different articles predicting my hawkeyes will go undefeated...I REALLY hate articles like these i REALLY do.

My chiefs should of beat the eagles last night.....blew it on a hail mary pass with 20 seconds left..frustrating.

UFC 118 is tonight, I cheering for Coture to win by KO over Toney. We'll have picks on the blog before the PPV.

Now let's get to wrestling.

Raw celebrates 900 episodes this week!! There have been rumors of a new logo debuting...if it' the one i saw awhile back it's fn UGLY.

I will be interested to see what past superstars make an appearance.

Anyone else enjoying The Miz/Danielson feud?

I just wish Michael Cole would get his head out of The Miz's ass. He's been kind of an asshole to listen to lately even to the good guys.

I said it last week and i'll say it again Kaval wins NXT tuesday night, i suggest you go vote for him (not like it matters though)

Does anyone else find it hard to watch smackdown! knowing it's taped?

I also feel the same way when they tape Raw, it's just hard to watch.

Word going around the web is Triple H had another baby girl this past week. That's three girls for him and steph. Congrats Hunter! I wonder if any will become wrestlers?

Speaking of Hunter and Stephanie their dad/dad-inlaw celebrated his 65th birthday, i don't think he has any plans to retire anytime soon.

Sad to hear about the passing of Luna Vachon yesterday, RIP Luna.

You can't help but feel bad for ROH right now. They're loosing way to much talent at once.

I did like how their owner sent out an e-mail message on their website to address their fans.

I hope Tyler Black does well in WWE the guy deserves it. Also gotta cheer on my fellow Iowan.

Does anyone else find Dixie Carter to be REALLY attractive?

Pretty excited TNA is coming to Iowa for a house show. I rag on TNA a lot but I've heard their house shows are amazing and can't wait!

I'm not excited at all about their final four competitors in their championship tourny.

We all know Angle is gunna win so why bother with it?

Well that does it for another edition of the weekend wrap up.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up : Talking Ghost Hunters, Roseanne,NCAA,Summerslam,Impact and More!

What's up everybody?! It's Saturday which means it's time for another edition of The Weekend Wrap Up!

One of my favorite shows Ghost Hunters returns Wednesday with an all new season. Anyone else watch?

T.V. Land shows a lot of Roseanne, how great is that show?

The AP pre-season poll came out today and my Hawkeye's are ranked 9th! only 14 days away!!

My cubs are so horrible I've decided to cheer for the Twins the rest of the season.

Ok now time for wrestling

How awesome was Bryan Danielson's return at Summerslam? Sadly that was the best part of the whole show.

Kudos to WWE for letting Danielson continue to do his committed indy bookings!

The Undertakers return was not done very well, as many times as that casket opened it was almost expected.

I didn't like how they made Cena look like Superman after taking that DDT on the floor.

One of these years Cena will turn heel.

With the injury to nexus member Skip Shefield could this be a perfect time to bring up Husky Harris to the group? I think he'd make a perfect fit.

I'm not sure what to think of Michael Cole's new announcing style, sometimes he's just being a straight up dick.

I think Kaval will win NXT Season 2 but Riley will be a breakout star along side Miz.

I like that WWE finally unified the Tag Belts and got a new one, it has an old school look to it if you ask me.

Impact was not very good this past week imo, ratings seemed to show that.

Listening to Paul Haymen's interview this past week makes me think TNA needs him more then they need Russo,Hogan, or Bischoff.

I think TNA could REALLY benefit from Haymen.

Makes me wonder what TNA's long term goal actually is.

They can't stay at a 1.0 rating forever.

Well that does it for another edition of the Weekend Wrap up!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

WWE Summerslam Predictions!!!

What's up everyone? Time for another Pay Per View so that means we are here with our Summerslam Picks!!!

Chewys Picks

1. Sheamus V.S. Randy Orton for the WWE championship- My pick goes to Orton on this one. He's been to dominate lately and I think it's his time.

2. Kane V.S. Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship- I'm going with Kane on this one, It seems WWE is giving him one final run before he calls it quits. His promo work on this run has been amazing so far.

3. Team WWE V.S. Team Nexus - If The Nexus is going to stick around WWE they HAVE to win this match. I'm going with them, BUT I think someone from the WWE side will help. I think it'll be Bret Hart or John Morrison to make the heel turn.

3. Dolph Ziggler V.S. Kofi Kingston for the IC Title - As much as I like Kofi i think Dolph comes out on top.

4. Big Show V.S. Straight Edge Society - This one is a bit of a toss up for me still. But I think CM Punk and crew will come out on top in this one.

5. Alicia Fox V.S. Melina for the Womens Championship - After their showing on Raw i'm actually looking forward to this match. I'm going with Melina in this one.

Ziggy's Picks
WWE Champion Sheamus vs. Randy Orton
Ziggy's Pick: Sheamus
World Heavyweight Champion Kane vs. Rey Mysterio
Ziggy's Pick: Kane
Team WWE vs. The Nexus (Elimination Tag Team Match)
Ziggy's Pick: The Nexus
Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston
Ziggy's Pick: Dolph Ziggler
Big Show vs. The Straight Edge Society (3-on-1 Handicap Match)
Ziggy's Pick: The Straight Edge Society
Divas Champion Alicia Fox vs. Melina
Ziggy's Pick: Melina

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chewy's Weekely Top 25 WWE Super Stars!

1. Randy Orton - He moves up a spot for me, guy has done really well at trying to get this match over with the crowd going into Sunday's Pay Per View. I say he'll be the new Champion.

2. Sheamus - He moves down for me, I feel Randy's been able to get the better of him lately.

3. John Cena - Takes a HUGE jump this week, I felt he got his Raw team rallied up and ready to go for sunday.

4- The Miz - He didn't really do much this week but he offered his help to Cena and The Hitman for Sunday's Pay Per View. He stays the same for me.

5. The Big Show - He moves up for me, Yes he beat three jobbers on Smackdown! But I think in return he sent a message to The Straight Edge Society.

6. The Nexus - The fall for me, While they did a nice a job of beating up potential Raw superstars who would join the raw squad, They still ran away from the raw team making them look weak.

7. Rey Mysterio - He got a win over Dolph on Smackdown! He's ready to go for Kane come Sunday!

8. Kofi Kingston - I move Kofi up, He took all his aggression out on Dolph which lead to Teddy Long giving him a title shot. I love the aggressiveness of Kofi.

9. Melina - Again a breath of fresh air for Women's wrestling. She carried Fox in that match Monday and I didn't feel like smacking myself while watching it! Kudos!

10. Edge - He was able to put differences aside and rejoin the Raw group to seek revenge on The Nexus.

11. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes - He pulled out a nice win over Christian on Smackdown! Seems they may be trying to get him a nice singles push.

12. Chris Jericho - He made the right move and is now back on team WWE.

13. The Hart Dynasty - These guys took a beating this past week at the hands of The Nexus. They fall a spot for me.

14. Christian - He was on the verge of beating Cody but ending on the loosing end he falls a spot for me.

15. Drew McIntrye - He was able to get a nice win over Matt Hardy this past week.

16. MVP - He got back on the winning track this week with a win over former World champ Jack Swagger. He moves up for me.

17. Evan Bourne - He had a nice lil match against The Miz on Raw but came up short.

18. The Straight Edge Society - They seem very confident going into Summer Slam Sunday against The Big Show.

19. Alicia Fox - Thanks to Melina she was able to put on a nice diva's match on Monday.

20. Jack Swagger - He takes a HUGE fall for me, seems WWE can't think of what to do with this former champ.

21. Ted Dibasie & Maryse - The raw "power" couple didn't have an impact on Monday but they avoided a beat down at the hands of The Nexus.

22. Team Laycool - Sounds like they had a good showing on Superstars, Not to mention their NXT pro is No 1 in the polls.

23. The Great Kahli - He suffered a beat down by The Nexus, Will he be ready to go for Sunday?

24. Bret Hart - He's stood by team WWE the whole time, helping being a mouth piece for them.

25. Mark Henry - Another one of The Nexus's beat down victims on raw. He won't be any help for Team WWE come sunday.

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Eric Bischoff's ROH Comments, TNA's Free PPV,WWE Summer Slam

What's up everybody? Hope you all had a great week. It's time for another weekend wrap up blog.

Pre-season NFL football got under way already, Anyone else pay attention?

20 Days until Hawkeye football begins!

No real big celebrity news i want to talk about so let's get going on the wrestling shall we?

Did anyone else catch Eric Bischoff's rant on his facebook about how ROH isn't a big money maker?

I bet a lot of people would rather watch ROH then TNA, Eric really has no room to talk.

TNA's Hardcore Justice was last sunday, it would of been a good PPV if it hadn't been for the Blue lighting..What was up with that?!

I truly hope TNA does not keep a lot of EV 2.0 guys around.

TNA had their Whole F'N Show on thursday, it would of been great except I feel they already give away to many free pay per view style matches on T.V. it didn't feel anything special for me.

Jeff Hardy V.S. Shannon Morre Really?!

I haven't got a chance to watch Beer Money and Motor City yet but i've heard it's another classic.

They should of scrapped their worthless divas match and given the time to Kurt and A.J.

WWE Summerlsam is tommorw, they waited awhile to announce some matches i think they should of announced some more sooner.

I'm looking forward to Kofi V.S. Drew for the IC title at Summer Slam, Kofi has had a very aggressive streak on this feud and I think it's GREAT for his character.

The Nexus should win their match on sunday, I'll have more to say on this when we post are Summer Slam picks tomorrow.

I couldn't believe how loud that raw crowd was at the end of that show Monday! Man they were loud!

I honestly can't remember the last time i saw Jobbers on WWE T.V. They had three last night against the Big Show.

Will NXT live to see a 4th season? Word has it season 3 starts shortly after the 2nd one ends in a few weeks.

I would be surprised if Kaval wins this season, but right now it seems likely he will, either way i see all these final guys getting a roster spot.

I think Matt Hardy has become a perminate Jobber over on Smackdown! It's a shame to.

I also sadly think the same thing about Christian to, WWE hasn't done anything with him since moving him to Smackdown!

Well that does it for another edition of the Weekend Wrap Up! Hope everyone has a great week.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Is Monday Night Raw Becoming Must Watch T.V. Again?

Well the last raw going into Summerslam sure seemed to go off with a BANG. I tend to pay attention to Twitter throughout the show and at one point I did notice Randy Orton was trending topic, the last few weeks WWE superstars have become trending topics on Twitter, which is great news for WWE because it means people are talking about the product.

Yes I hard on the women’s division about every chance I get but, I couldn’t help but praise them tonight. Melina coming back to WWE has to be the best thing for that division. She carried that match. At one point it sounded like the fans were chanting “Fox Can’ Wrestle” they weren’t far off, but Melina carried the match and made it a decent match.

Evan Bourne and The Miz put on a solid match tonight as well. That hurricanrana that Bourne pulled off on the miz was amazing! I really hope they give Bourne a title run with the US Title, I’m sick of The Miz saying “oh I’m the US Champion.” You never defend the belt! Well maybe he does on house shows, but hardly ever on T.V.

Santino and The Bella Twins always are the part of the show where fans and viewers at home can take a break and go to the merch stand or got get food if your at home.

R-Truth and John Morrison put on a nice little T.V. match against Regal and Ryder but was it really meant to be on Raw or Superstars? I think this was more or less to show that R-Truth and John Morrison are on the same page, Morrison’s offense in this match made it a fun match to watch. Morrison has some serious skill.

The main event was done nicely, the live crowd had a TON of heat on The Nexus. I can’t remember the last time a group had this much heat on them. I loved the way they teased us not knowing where Jericho and Edge stood the whole time. The ending was just PERFECT and the live crowd ate it up!

I have to say Raw is not must watch T.V. YET, but it's slowly getting there. I felt the did a nice build towards Summer Slam tonight for their big WWE V.S. The Nexus tag team match. I'm excited to sit down and watch the event come Sunday.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking Shark Week, UFC 117, TNA Hardcore Justice,WWE Summerslam, NXT Future?

What's up everybody? Hope you all had a wonderful week now it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap up!!

Shark week was this week, who else watched? I watched a lil bit last night good stuff.

UFC 117 is tonight i'll be cheering for Roy "Big Country" Nelson, Matt Hughes, and Anderson Silva to pick up wins tonight.

USA today released their pre-season NCAA football polls i'm shaking my head on a lot of the top 10 picks. My hawks are ranked 10th, I'm happy about that.

NFL Pre-season starts next week, I know it's only pre-season but i'm still excited to watch some football!!

Now time for wrestling

Only 8 days away and 4 advertised matches for summer slam? Step up your game WWE.

I expect they'll add two womens matches to the card....oh joy...

According to a recent interview with Gail Kim WWE is going to start focusing on the in ring product for their division...Let's hope so.

Kane is The Undertaker's attacker? Hopefully they don't go with another Kane/Taker Feud.

CM Punk is one of the best mic guys in the business, can't wait for him to get back in the ring.

They're doing a nice mean streak with Kofi Kingston right now over on smackdown! hopefully they keep it up with him.

Despite my hate for "Dashing" Cody Rhodes I still think he seems to be getting better in the ring and on the mic.

I really hope John Morrison gets his chance to shine during Summer Slam, dude is awesome.

John Cena took over TMZ the other, pretty funny stuff, looks like he had a good time. Head over to to check out that video.

TNA's Hardcore Justice is tommorw, they have a solid line up of superstars set for the show, but only two advertised matches.

Motor City and Beer Money still had a good ultimate x match but it didn't live up to the hype if you ask me.

TNA's "The Whole fn Show" on thursday looks good on paper, but really doesn't feel like anything special.

I think TNA gives away to many good matches on free TV when they should be used for PPV's.

Ric Flair got into it with Jay Lethal again this week...and surprise surprise Ric felt the need to bleed...

Ring of Honor added Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Hass to their upcoming iPPV, should be interesting to see them get a chance to show off their skills.

That'll do it for another edition of the Weekend Wrap Up. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chewy's Weekly Top 25 WWE Superstars

What's up everybody? I thought I'd try something new and start my own top 25 the way WWE does on their site so here it goes.

1. Sheamus - He's done really well lately, with the exception of getting side tracked by The Miz.

2. Randy Orton- The Viper has a lot of momentum going into Summerslam. He picked up a nice victory over The Miz on raw this past monday as well while watching his back for Sheamus.

3. Kane - He's taking all his aggression out on Rey Mysterio for thinking he attacked his brother The Undertaker, also helping build momentum for their match at Summerslam.

4. The Miz - He would be higher for me but he has failed to successfully cash in the money and the bank.

5 . The Nexus - These 7 guys are showing a nice united strong front heading into their elimination match at Summerslam. They continue to dominate.

6. John Cena - Seems really low rank for a guy like Cena right? He needs to keep the raw team together.

7. The Big Show -He has been making CM Punk's Straight Edge Society look like whimps. Sure they got him back last Friday but he's still one step ahead of them.

8. Rey Mysterio - He's been taking a lot of beatings lately. Before Kane it was from Jake Swagger..He can't seem to get out of all these beatings hes been taking.

9. Kofi Kingstion - Nice to see a bit of a mean streak from him last Friday on Smackdown! Hopefully it keeps up.

10. Melina - It was a nice breath of fresh air to see her return! Hopefully she can help the women's division out. Lord knows it needs it.

11. Edge -I don't think Edge did himself any favors by calling quits on team WWE heading into Summerslam.

12. The Hart Dynasty - They didn't work a T.V. match but they're one of the best tag teams WWE has right now.

13. Christian - I have him ranked higher then the WWE Power 25, but he had a nice showing against Drew on Smackdown! WWE need's to use Christian better.

14. Jack Swagger - Well his title reign came to an end and he's back on a loosing streak..Where does he go from here?

15. Dolph Ziggler - He ran into Kofi's mean streak on smackdown! last week....He better watch out.

16.Evan Bourne - He had the night off this past monday..Maybe selling the Nexus attack from last week? Still a true superstar!

17. Chris Jericho - Despite loosing to Cena on raw Monday him and Cena put on a solid match. He showed why Cena needs him on team WWE.

18. Drew McIntyre - He defiantly got out smarted by Christian on Smackdown...I hope WWE isn't giving up on this guy...I think he has "IT".

19. MVP - He's been doing a nice job helping out his NXT rookie Percy Watson, seems some of his personality has rubbed off on Percy.

20. Dashing Cody Rhodes - I still don't get the whole "dashing" thing...REALLY?!

21.CM Punk - He's trying to put one up on The Big Show, I think he got some revenge this past week.

22. Alicia Fox - Despite being on the winning end of her match this week, she did get to feel the rath of Melina.

23. Santino Morella & Valadmir Kozlov - These guys are nothing more then a joke....sorry WWE.

24. Team Lay-Cool - These two are just outright annoying,

25. Goldust - I thought he put on a nice lil old school type match with Seamus on raw monday. A true veteran he is.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chewy's Weekend Wrap Up: Talking cubs, TNA, WWE,NFL,College football and more!!

What's up everybody? Hope you all had a great week now it's time for another edition of the weekend wrap-up.

The cubs are on the verge of trading Ted Lilly to the dodgers, I say why stop there? Trade the whole damn team away.

My chiefs got all their draft picks signed! We've had a history of our first round picks holding out for contract issues, thankfully we got em done early!

College football is only 35 days away! I cant begin to describe how excited I am for football to start again!

For those who followed the show The Hills miss plastic herself Heidi filed for divorce from Mr. Fame whore Spencer...Bout time.

Ok now time for wrestling.

TNA impact was very solid this week I really enjoyed the opening promo with the ECW originals.

Anybody else not like the name EV.2?

Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money Inc put on another classic this week. Can't wait for their next battle.

TNA's "free" pay per view card looks like it should be a nice one on paper.

TNA has had three former ECW champs turn down their Hardcore Justice show...Surely that's not what they wanted, but I'm sure they'll get Sabu for the big show and most likely Sandman.

WWE Smackdown! is kind of loosing interest from me, the show really lacks something.

So far only three matches are set for Summerslam I always look forward to this event, one of the big 4 pay per views I order every year.

Their women's division is REALLY hurting right now with Beth Phenoix and Melina out right now, thankfully for them Melina is on her way back.

I'm really enjoying the way their teasing The Miz cashing in his money in the bank case each week.

The mystery gm is still a fun gimmick, I enjoy this a lot more then the guest host concept.

I still think Triple H is behind the Nexus group.

NXT is getting down to some good talent, I think Lucky could be sent home next he hasn't grown on me at all. Husky is moving up on my leader board with Kaval moving into the No 1 spot on my list.

Macho Man Randy Savage reached a deal with Matel to create a few action figures for him...I won't be surprised if he gets the hall of fame nod next year.

That'll do it for another edition of The Weekend Wrap Up!